how to add google fonts in tailwind css

Easy Steps: How to Add Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to seamlessly integrate Google Fonts into your Tailwind CSS projects. By following our easy-to-follow instructions, you can optimize the design of your web projects and enhance user experience through font customization.

Key Takeaways:

  • Integrating Google Fonts into Tailwind CSS can enhance the aesthetics of your web projects.
  • Before adding Google Fonts, ensure you have a Tailwind project set up or refer to the official Tailwind installation guide.
  • Choose your desired Google Font from the Google Fonts website and copy the HTML snippet and CSS rule for font integration.
  • Configure Tailwind by editing the `tailwind.config.js` file and adding the Google font to the `theme.fontFamily` section.
  • Utilize the Google font in your Tailwind CSS code by specifying the `font-display` class name provided by Tailwind.

Now that you have a brief overview of the steps involved, let’s dive into the detailed instructions on how to effortlessly add Google Fonts to your Tailwind CSS projects.

Prerequisites for Adding Google Fonts

In order to successfully add Google Fonts to your Tailwind CSS project, there are a few prerequisites that must be met. Before we dive into the steps, it is important to ensure that you have the necessary setup in place. Here’s what you need:

1. Tailwind Project Set Up

If you already have a Tailwind project set up, you can skip this step. However, if you are starting from scratch or need to set up a new project, you can clone the tailwind-react starter provided in this tutorial. This will give you a basic Tailwind setup to work with, making the font integration process much smoother.

2. Official Tailwind Installation Guide

If you are using a different framework or prefer to set up your Tailwind project manually, it is recommended to refer to the official Tailwind installation guide for your specific framework. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to install and configure Tailwind CSS for different environments, ensuring compatibility with Google Fonts and other customizations.

By ensuring that you have a Tailwind project set up and following the official installation guide, you will have the necessary foundation to seamlessly integrate Google Fonts into your Tailwind CSS project.

Tailwind project set up

Table: Prerequisites Checklist

Prerequisite Status
Tailwind Project Set Up Completed
Official Tailwind Installation Guide Referenced

With the prerequisites in place, you are now ready to move on to the next section and learn how to choose and add a Google Font to your Tailwind CSS project.

Choosing and Adding a Google Font

To add a Google font to your project, you first need to find your desired font on the Google Fonts website. Select the font styles and weights you need and copy the HTML snippet generated by Google Font. In addition, take note of the CSS rule, specifying the font family. You can then add the Google font by pasting the HTML code into the <head> section of your project’s index.html file.

Adding a Google font is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit the Google Fonts website (
  2. Browse through the collection and select the font you want to use in your project.
  3. Click on the font card to open the font details.
  4. Choose the font styles and weights you need by clicking on the checkboxes.
  5. Once you’ve made your selections, click on the “Embed” tab.
  6. Copy the HTML snippet provided by Google Fonts.
  7. Paste the HTML code into the <head> section of your project’s index.html file.

After adding the HTML snippet, you also need to specify the CSS rule for the Google font in your project’s CSS file. This CSS rule will determine how the font is applied to different elements of your website. For example, if you want the Google font to be the default font for all text, you can use the following CSS rule:

body { font-family: 'Google Font', sans-serif; }

Make sure to replace “Google Font” with the actual name of the font you’re using. Once you’ve added the HTML snippet and CSS rule, the Google font will be applied to your website, giving it a unique and visually appealing look.


Adding a Google Font

HTML Snippet CSS Rule
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> body { font-family: 'Google Font', sans-serif; }

Configuring Tailwind for Google Font

Once you have added your desired Google font to your project and copied the necessary HTML snippet into the <head> section of your project’s index.html file, the next step is to configure Tailwind to use the Google font.

To do this, you need to locate the tailwind.config.js file in your project. Open this file in your preferred code editor.

Within the tailwind.config.js file, you will find a theme object. Inside this object, locate the fontFamily key and its corresponding value, which is an array of font families.

In the fontFamily array, add the CSS rule for the Google font you added in the previous step. Make sure to use the exact font name as specified by Google Fonts and enclose it in quotation marks. For example:

“font-display”: [“‘Roboto’, sans-serif”]

Save the tailwind.config.js file once you have added the Google font to the fontFamily array. Tailwind will now recognize the Google font and make it available as a class name within your CSS code.

Using the Google Font in Tailwind CSS

To utilize the Google font in your Tailwind CSS code, you can specify the font-display class name that Tailwind creates for you wherever you want to apply the font style. By doing this, you can easily test and see how the font looks in different elements of your project.

If you have been using the tailwind-react starter, you can navigate to the App.jsx file in the src directory. From there, add the font-display class name to the desired element to test the font style. This will seamlessly incorporate the Google font into your project, enhancing its visual appeal.

For example, let’s say you have a h3 heading in your code that you want to style with the Google font. You can simply add the font-display class name to the h3 element, like this:

<h3 class="font-display">Heading Text</h3>

By applying the font-display class name, the Google font will be applied to the h3 heading, giving it a unique and visually appealing style.

Example: Testing Font Style with a Paragraph

Let’s say you want to apply the Google font to a paragraph of text. You can add the font-display class name to the p element, like this:

<p class="font-display">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p>

By doing this, the paragraph text will be styled with the Google font, creating a cohesive and visually appealing design throughout your project.


Adding Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS allows you to seamlessly integrate beautiful typography into your web design projects. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this tutorial, you can optimize the visual appeal of your website and create a cohesive user experience.

With the Google Fonts integration, you have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of font styles and weights that best suit your project’s aesthetic. This ensures that your website stands out and captures the attention of your audience.

The final code, including all the necessary configurations for adding Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS, is available on GitHub. You can refer to this code repository for a quick and convenient reference as you work on your own projects.

By mastering the art of seamless font integration through Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS, you can elevate the visual impact of your web designs and create a memorable online presence.


What is the process to add Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS?

To add Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS, you first need to find your desired font on the Google Fonts website. Select the font styles and weights you need and copy the HTML snippet generated by Google Font. Then, paste the HTML code into the

section of your project’s index.html file.

How can I configure Tailwind to use the Google font?

In the `tailwind.config.js` file of your project, locate the `theme.fontFamily` section. Specify the CSS rule for the Google font in the `theme.fontFamily` section, using the exact font name as a string value in the array.

How do I utilize the Google font in Tailwind CSS?

Simply specify the `font-display` class name that Tailwind creates for you wherever you want to apply the font style. For example, if you have been using the tailwind-react starter, you can navigate to the `App.jsx` file in the `src` directory and add the `font-display` class name to the desired element to test the font style.

Where can I find the final code for adding Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS?

The final code for adding Google Fonts in Tailwind CSS can be found on GitHub.

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