how to change css with javascript

Mastering How to Change CSS with JavaScript – A Guide

JavaScript offers powerful capabilities for dynamically manipulating the styles of HTML elements. Developers can change how elements appear and behave on webpages based on user interactions and other conditions. This guide explores the art of manipulating element styles using JavaScript, including changing CSS properties directly, adding and removing CSS classes, and manipulating element dimensions. By mastering these techniques, developers can create visually appealing and interactive web applications.

  • JavaScript provides powerful capabilities for changing CSS and creating dynamic web designs.
  • Developers can change CSS properties directly using JavaScript to modify element styles dynamically.
  • Adding and removing CSS classes using JavaScript allows for flexible and responsive designs.
  • JavaScript can manipulate element dimensions, enabling developers to create dynamic resizing effects.
  • By mastering the techniques discussed in this guide, developers can enhance user experiences and create visually appealing web applications.

Changing CSS Properties Directly

JavaScript allows developers to directly change CSS properties of HTML elements, providing a powerful way to modify element styles dynamically. By using the style property, developers can access and manipulate various CSS properties, such as background color, text color, font size, and more.

For example, let’s say you have a button element on your webpage and you want to change its background color when a user clicks on it. You can achieve this by using JavaScript to access the button’s style property and modify the background color property accordingly.

Here’s an example code snippet:

const button = document.querySelector('#myButton'); = 'red';

In the above code, we select the button element using the querySelector() method and then change its background color to red using the style.backgroundColor property.

change CSS properties with JavaScript

Modifying Element Styles with JavaScript

JavaScript provides a straightforward and efficient way to modify element styles by directly changing CSS properties. This flexibility allows developers to create visually appealing and interactive webpages by dynamically updating the appearance of elements based on various conditions.

By mastering the art of changing CSS properties with JavaScript, developers can take their web design skills to the next level and deliver engaging user experiences. The next section will explore another approach to CSS manipulation: adding and removing CSS classes using JavaScript.

Adding and Removing CSS Classes

One powerful way to change CSS with JavaScript is by adding or removing CSS classes from elements. This technique allows developers to apply or remove pre-defined styles as needed, providing flexibility and customization options. By using JavaScript, you can dynamically add or remove classes based on user interactions or other conditions, enhancing the interactivity and responsiveness of your web design.

When adding a CSS class using JavaScript, you can utilize the classList property to manipulate the classes of an element. The classList property provides methods such as add() and remove() to add or remove CSS classes respectively. For example:


This code snippet adds the class “new-class” to the specified element. Similarly, you can remove a CSS class using the remove() method:


By leveraging these techniques, you can easily toggle classes on elements, creating dynamic and responsive designs that adapt to user interactions.

Method Description
add() Adds a CSS class to the element’s class list
remove() Removes a CSS class from the element’s class list
toggle() Adds a CSS class to the element’s class list if it doesn’t exist, otherwise removes it
contains() Checks if the element contains a specific CSS class

Manipulating Element Dimensions

One of the powerful capabilities of JavaScript is the ability to manipulate the dimensions of HTML elements. With JavaScript, developers can dynamically change the width, height, and other dimensions of elements on a webpage. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for creating interactive and responsive designs.

Using JavaScript to resize elements is particularly useful when it comes to creating dynamic user interfaces. For example, imagine a webpage with a resizable sidebar. By using JavaScript, developers can allow users to drag and resize the sidebar according to their preference. This not only enhances the user experience but also provides a more customizable and flexible interface.

Additionally, JavaScript can be used to dynamically adjust the dimensions of elements based on specific conditions. For instance, a developer can use JavaScript to automatically resize an image to fit a container or adjust the size of a video player based on the screen resolution. These dynamic resizing effects can greatly improve the visual appeal and usability of a webpage.

resize elements with JavaScript

Example: Resizing a Responsive Image Gallery

Let’s consider an example of a responsive image gallery. Using JavaScript, we can dynamically adjust the dimensions of the images based on the screen size. This ensures that the images are displayed optimally and that they resize appropriately on different devices.

Image Description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla eget velit sed quam posuere varius.

In the example above, we have a table that showcases two images in an image gallery. By using JavaScript to manipulate the dimensions of the images, we can ensure that they are displayed in an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly manner.

By harnessing the power of JavaScript to manipulate element dimensions, developers have the ability to create visually stunning and interactive webpages. Whether it’s resizing images, adjusting container sizes, or creating responsive layouts, JavaScript offers endless possibilities for enhancing the user experience.


JavaScript plays a crucial role in CSS manipulation, enabling developers to create dynamic web designs that enhance user experiences. By mastering the techniques discussed in this guide, you can harness the power of JavaScript to dynamically manipulate element styles and create visually appealing and interactive web applications.

Whether you are changing CSS properties directly, adding and removing CSS classes, or manipulating element dimensions, JavaScript empowers you to take control of your web design. With JavaScript, you can modify an element’s background color, text color, and other properties using the style property. You can also add or remove CSS classes to apply or remove pre-defined styles as needed. Additionally, JavaScript allows you to manipulate the dimensions of HTML elements, enabling you to create dynamic resizing effects.

By incorporating JavaScript into your CSS manipulation toolkit, you can unleash your creativity and build responsive designs that adapt to user interactions and conditions. JavaScript opens up a world of possibilities for dynamic web design, allowing you to transform static webpages into engaging and interactive experiences. So, go ahead and explore the power of JavaScript in CSS manipulation to create visually stunning web applications that captivate your audience.


How can I change CSS properties with JavaScript?

You can change CSS properties directly using JavaScript by accessing the style property of HTML elements. This allows you to dynamically modify properties like background color, text color, and more based on user interactions or other conditions.

How can I add or remove CSS classes with JavaScript?

JavaScript enables you to add or remove CSS classes from HTML elements. By doing so, you can apply or remove pre-defined styles as needed. This provides flexibility in creating dynamic and responsive designs by adding or removing classes based on user interactions.

Can I manipulate the dimensions of HTML elements with JavaScript?

Yes, JavaScript allows you to manipulate the dimensions of HTML elements, such as width and height. This enables you to create dynamic resizing effects for elements on webpages. By modifying element dimensions using JavaScript, you can achieve interactive and responsive designs.

How does JavaScript empower developers to create visually appealing and interactive web applications?

JavaScript provides powerful capabilities for changing CSS and creating dynamic web designs. By mastering techniques such as changing CSS properties directly, adding and removing CSS classes, and manipulating element dimensions, developers can enhance user experiences and create visually appealing and interactive web applications.


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