how to change list bullet color in css

How to Change List Bullet Color in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide

Changing the bullet color in CSS can add visual appeal to your lists. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you step-by-step how to change list bullet colors using different techniques. Whether you want to use default bullets or customize them, we have you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Changing the bullet color in CSS can enhance the visual appeal of your lists.
  • By using CSS tricks, extra markup, or the ::before selector, you can customize the bullet colors.
  • Experiment with different techniques to find the one that suits your design needs.
  • With this comprehensive guide, you’ll have the knowledge to change list bullet colors in CSS easily.

Using CSS Tricks to Change List Bullet Color

One way to change the bullet color in CSS is by using CSS tricks. By modifying the list-style and list-style-type properties, you can customize the appearance of list bullets. For example, you can remove the default bullets and replace them with custom bullet styles using the before pseudo-element. This technique provides flexibility in choosing bullet colors and shapes.

To change the bullet color using CSS tricks, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select the list element or class in your CSS.
  2. Add the list-style property and set it to none to remove the default bullets.
  3. Add the before pseudo-element to the list element or class.
  4. Set the content property of the before pseudo-element to an empty string (“”).
  5. Add the desired bullet style using CSS properties like border, background-color, and border-radius.
  6. Define the color of the bullet using the color property.

By using CSS tricks, you can create visually appealing list bullet colors that match your overall design aesthetic. Experiment with different styles and colors to find the perfect combination for your lists.

Example Description
In this example, we use CSS tricks to change the list bullet color to blue. The bullet is styled with a solid border and a circular shape.

Adding an Extra Markup to Change Bullet Color

When it comes to changing the bullet color in CSS, adding an extra markup is another option you can consider. By enclosing the list text in a tag, you can apply different styles to the bullet and the text separately. This method allows you to have separate colors for the bullet and the text, creating a visually appealing list.

Here’s an example of how you can use this technique:

  1. Red Bullet: List item 1
  2. Blue Bullet: List item 2
  3. Green Bullet: List item 3

In the example above, each list item has its own color for the bullet. By applying the desired styles to the span tag, you can easily change the bullet color to match your design requirements.

Keep in mind that while this method allows for greater customization, it also requires some additional markup. Depending on the complexity of your list, this may or may not be the most efficient approach. Consider your specific needs and the overall structure of your list before deciding to use this technique.

extra markup


Adding an extra markup is a powerful technique for changing bullet colors in CSS. By enclosing list text in a tag, you can apply separate styles to the bullet and the text, creating visually appealing lists. While this method offers greater customization, it may require additional markup. Consider the complexity of your list and the efficiency of this approach before implementing it.

Using CSS ::before Selector to Change Bullet Color

The CSS ::before selector is a powerful tool to change the bullet color of a list item in CSS. By utilizing this selector, you can create unique and visually appealing bullet colors that align with your design aesthetic. Unlike other techniques, the CSS ::before selector allows for more granular control over the appearance of the bullets.

To implement this method, you need to remove the default list-style and define custom styles for the ::before pseudo-element. This pseudo-element acts as a separate element before the content of each list item, allowing you to apply specific styles to the bullet. You can modify properties like color, shape, and size to achieve the desired effect.

By leveraging the CSS ::before selector, you can enhance the visual impact of your lists. Whether you want to create a cohesive color scheme or make the bullets stand out, this technique offers a flexible and creative solution. Experiment with different styles and colors to find the perfect combination for your website or application.

CSS ::before selector


          li::before {
            content: "";
            display: inline-block;
            width: 10px;
            height: 10px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            background-color: #ff0000;
            margin-right: 10px;

In the example code, we define a custom bullet color using the CSS ::before selector. The bullets will have a red circular shape with a diameter of 10 pixels. Adjust the values of width, height, border-radius, and background-color to match your desired bullet color and shape.


Changing the bullet color in CSS is a simple yet effective way to elevate the visual appeal of your lists. This comprehensive guide has provided you with different techniques to customize the bullet colors according to your design needs.

Whether you prefer using CSS tricks, adding extra markup, or utilizing the CSS ::before selector, each method offers its own advantages and flexibility. Experiment with these techniques and discover the one that aligns with your creative vision.

By incorporating unique bullet colors, you can enhance the readability and aesthetic appeal of your lists, making them more engaging for your audience. So, take advantage of the CSS features discussed in this guide and make your lists visually captivating.


Can I change the bullet color of a list using CSS?

Yes, you can change the bullet color of a list using CSS. There are different techniques you can use to customize the appearance of list bullets and choose your desired colors.

How can I change the bullet color of a list using CSS tricks?

To change the bullet color of a list using CSS tricks, you can modify the list-style and list-style-type properties. By using the before pseudo-element, you can remove the default bullets and replace them with custom styles, allowing you to choose different bullet colors and shapes.

Is there another way to change the bullet color of a list in CSS?

Yes, another approach to changing the bullet color of a list in CSS is by adding an extra markup. By enclosing the list text in a span, you can apply separate styles to the bullet and the text, allowing you to have different colors for each element and creating a visually appealing list.

How can I use the CSS ::before selector to change the bullet color of a list?

To change the bullet color of a list using the CSS ::before selector, you can remove the default list-style and add custom styles to the ::before pseudo-element. This technique gives you more control over the appearance of the bullets, allowing you to design them according to your desired color scheme.

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