how to change svg path fill color in css

Guide: How to Change SVG Path Fill Color in CSS

Changing the fill color of SVG paths using CSS is a useful technique for customizing the appearance of your SVG graphics. By leveraging CSS properties, you can easily modify the fill color to match your desired design. In this guide, we’ll explore different methods to achieve this using CSS.

One method to change the fill color is by setting the “fill” property on either the SVG element or a specific path element. This property accepts various CSS color values, including color names, RGB values, hex values, and RGBA values. It’s important to note that not all SVG attributes can be modified via CSS, so testing is necessary to determine which properties can be customized.

To style the fill color of SVG paths, you can use inline CSS, an embedded CSS section within the SVG file, or an external CSS file. Each method offers flexibility in managing and organizing your CSS rules. With inline CSS, you can apply styles directly to individual SVG elements. On the other hand, embedding a CSS section within the SVG file allows for easier management of properties across groups of elements. Lastly, an external CSS file provides scalability and maintainability by separating the SVG code from the CSS rules.

Key Takeaways:

  • Changing the fill color of SVG paths can be done using CSS.
  • The “fill” property accepts various CSS color values.
  • Inline CSS, embedded CSS sections, and external CSS files can be used to style SVG fills.
  • Not all SVG attributes can be modified via CSS, so testing is necessary.
  • Utilizing CSS allows for dynamic and customizable SVG designs.

Applying Fill Colors to SVG Strokes and Lines

In addition to changing the fill color of SVG paths, you can also have control over the stroke color and style. The stroke property is used to define the color of the line drawn around an SVG shape. Just like how you set the fill color using CSS, you can also set the stroke color using CSS. You have the flexibility to use various CSS color values such as color names, RGB values, hex values, or RGBA values.

Not only can you adjust the stroke color, but you can also customize the width of the stroke using the stroke-width property. This allows you to create lines with different thicknesses, adding variety and visual interest to your SVG images.

Furthermore, you can enhance the appearance of your lines by utilizing additional stroke properties. The stroke-linecap property allows you to control the shape of the ends of lines, providing options such as butt, square, and round. The stroke-linejoin property determines how the joint between two line segments is drawn, offering values like miter, round, and bevel. By experimenting with these properties, you can achieve different line styles and create visually appealing SVG designs.

If you want to create dashed line types, you can use the stroke-dasharray attribute. This attribute takes a series of comma and/or whitespace-separated numbers, allowing you to create dashed, dotted, or customized patterned lines. By combining this attribute with other stroke properties, you can further enhance the visual impact of your SVG strokes and lines.

Property Description
stroke Sets the color of the line drawn around an SVG shape
stroke-width Sets the width of the stroke
stroke-linecap Determines the shape of the ends of lines
stroke-linejoin Determines how the joint between two line segments is drawn
stroke-dasharray Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps in dashed or dotted lines

stroke colorBy adjusting the stroke color, stroke width, line caps, line joins, and utilizing dash patterns, you have the power to transform the appearance of your SVG lines and strokes, adding depth and character to your designs.

Styling SVG Fills and Strokes with CSS

In addition to setting SVG attributes directly on the objects, you can also use CSS to style the fills and strokes of SVG shapes. CSS allows you to manipulate the fill, stroke, stroke-dasharray, and other related properties. This provides greater flexibility and control over the visual appearance of your SVG designs.

One way to apply CSS styling to SVG is by using the “style” attribute inline with the SVG element. By defining CSS properties directly on the SVG elements, you can customize the fill and stroke colors, adjust stroke widths, and apply other styling options. This inline CSS approach is useful for making specific changes to individual SVG elements.

Another approach to styling SVG with CSS is by using CSS classes. By defining CSS rules for specific classes, you can apply consistent styling across multiple SVG elements. This allows for easy management and reusability of styles. Simply add the desired CSS class to the SVG element, and the defined styles will be applied.

If you prefer to keep your SVG code separate from the CSS, you can specify an external stylesheet. By linking an external CSS file to your SVG document using the XML-stylesheet syntax, you can apply consistent styling to multiple SVG files. This approach promotes maintainability and scalability, as you can easily update the stylesheet without modifying the SVG code.


Can I change the fill color of SVG paths using CSS?

Yes, you can change the fill color of SVG paths using CSS. You can set the “fill” property on the SVG element or on the specific path element. This property accepts various CSS color values such as color names, RGB values, hex values, and RGBA values.

How can I control the stroke color and style of SVG paths?

To control the stroke color of SVG paths, you can use the “stroke” property in CSS. Similar to changing the fill color, you can set the stroke color using color names, RGB values, hex values, or RGBA values. Additionally, you can adjust the stroke width using the “stroke-width” property. The “stroke-linecap” property allows you to control the shape of the ends of lines, and the “stroke-linejoin” property determines how the joints between line segments are drawn. You can also create dashed line types using the “stroke-dasharray” attribute.

Can I style SVG fills and strokes with CSS?

Yes, you can style SVG fills and strokes with CSS. One way is by using the “style” attribute inline with the SVG element. Another approach is to define the styles in a special style section within the SVG file, known as the “” element. This allows for easier management and adjustment of properties on groups of elements. Additionally, you can specify an external stylesheet for your CSS rules by using the XML-stylesheet syntax. This helps keep your SVG code separate from the CSS, making it more maintainable and scalable.


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