how to draw a vertical line in css

Guide: How to Draw a Vertical Line in CSS Easily

Welcome to our CSS vertical line tutorial! In this guide, we will show you how to draw a vertical line in CSS effortlessly. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web designer, understanding how to create vertical lines using CSS is a useful skill to have. By mastering this technique, you can add visual interest and structure to your webpages.

To draw a vertical line in CSS, you can leverage the power of properties like “border-left” or “border-right.” These properties, combined with “height” and “position,” allow you to customize the appearance and placement of your vertical lines. With just a few lines of code, you can create clean and visually appealing designs.

If you’re ready to learn how to draw a vertical line in CSS, continue reading to discover the step-by-step process, examples, and best practices. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Drawing vertical lines in CSS is a valuable technique to enhance the visual layout of webpages.
  • CSS properties like “border-left” and “border-right” are used to create vertical lines.
  • The “height” property determines the height of the line, while “position” sets its position.
  • Combining these properties with “width,” “margin,” and “position” allows for customization.
  • By following best practices, such as using appropriate units and avoiding unnecessary markup, you can create clean and maintainable CSS code for vertical lines.

Introduction to Drawing Lines in CSS

CSS provides a range of properties that allow you to draw different shapes, including lines, on your webpages. Understanding these CSS line properties is essential for creating visually appealing designs. In this section, we’ll explore how to draw horizontal and vertical lines using CSS.

The main CSS properties used for drawing lines are:

  • “border-left”: This property is used to draw a vertical line on the left side of an element.
  • “border-right”: This property is used to draw a vertical line on the right side of an element.
  • “border-top”: This property is used to draw a horizontal line at the top of an element.
  • “border-bottom”: This property is used to draw a horizontal line at the bottom of an element.

With these properties, you can customize the width, style, and color of the lines to suit your design needs. By combining different line properties, you can create unique and visually appealing layouts.

CSS Line Properties

Benefits of Using CSS for Drawing Lines

Using CSS to draw lines on your webpages has several advantages. One major benefit is that it allows you to create lines without the need for additional HTML markup. This means that your HTML code remains clean and free from unnecessary clutter.

Additionally, CSS provides more flexibility in terms of customization. You can easily adjust the width, style, and color of the lines, allowing you to create visually striking designs that align with your overall aesthetic.

In the next sections, we will explore how to draw horizontal and vertical lines in CSS in more detail, providing step-by-step instructions and examples to help you master this technique.

Drawing a Horizontal Line in CSS

To draw a horizontal line in CSS, you can use the border-bottom property. This property allows you to specify the width, style, and color of the line. By adjusting these values, you can create a horizontal line of your desired length and appearance.

Here is an example of the CSS code for drawing a simple horizontal line:

      .horizontal-line {
        border-bottom: 1px solid black;
        width: 100%;

In the example above, we created a CSS class called “horizontal-line” and applied the border-bottom property to it. We set the border width to 1 pixel and specified the color as black. The width property is set to 100% to ensure the line stretches across the full width of its parent element.

To use the horizontal line in your HTML, simply add an element with the “horizontal-line” class:

      <div class="horizontal-line"></div>

By adjusting the CSS properties and customizing the class, you can create horizontal lines of different styles and sizes to suit your design needs.

Property Description Example Value
border-bottom Sets the style, width, and color of the bottom border. 1px solid black
width Sets the width of the line. 100%

Drawing a Vertical Line in CSS

To draw a vertical line in CSS, you can use the “border-left” or “border-right” property. These properties allow you to create a line on the left or right side of an element, giving the impression of a vertical line.

The height property is used to set the height of the line element. By specifying a value, such as pixels or percentage, you can control the vertical length of the line. Additionally, you can use other CSS properties like “width,” “margin,” and “position” to further customize the appearance and positioning of the vertical line.

Let’s take a look at an example:

  .vertical-line {
    border-left: 1px solid black;
    height: 100px;
    margin-left: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;

<div class="vertical-line"></div>

In the example above, we create a vertical line by applying the “border-left” property with a width of 1 pixel and a solid black color. The height property is set to 100 pixels, creating a vertical line of that length. The margin-left property provides some spacing from the left side of the element, and the position property is set to absolute to position the line relative to its container. The top property is used to align the line at the top of the container.

By modifying the values of these properties, you can easily adjust the appearance and positioning of the vertical line to suit your needs.

Table: CSS Properties for Drawing Vertical Lines

Property Description
border-left Sets the style, width, and color of the left border
border-right Sets the style, width, and color of the right border
height Sets the height of the line element
width Sets the width of the line element
margin Sets the margin around the line element
position Sets the positioning method of the line element

CSS vertical line

With these CSS properties and techniques, you can easily draw vertical lines in CSS. Experiment with different values and combinations to achieve the desired visual effect. By understanding how to draw vertical lines, you can enhance the layout and visual appeal of your web designs.

Examples of Drawing Vertical Lines in CSS

Now that we have learned the basic techniques for drawing vertical lines in CSS, let’s explore some examples that showcase different styles and sizes of vertical lines. These examples will give you a better understanding of how to implement vertical lines in your own CSS projects.

Example 1:

To start, let’s create a simple vertical line using the “border-left” property. Set the height to 100 pixels and the width to 1 pixel to achieve a thin line. You can also define the color using the “border-color” property. Here is the CSS code:

    .vertical-line {
      border-left: 1px solid #000;
      height: 100px;
      border-color: #000;

Example 2:

In this example, we will create a vertical line that spans the entire height of its parent container. We can achieve this by setting the height to 100% and using the “position” property to ensure the line maintains its position within the container. Here is the CSS code:

    .vertical-line {
      border-left: 1px solid #000;
      height: 100%;
      position: absolute;
      left: 50%;
      transform: translateX(-50%);
      border-color: #000;

Example 3:

In this example, we will create a vertical line with a gradient effect. To achieve this, we can use the “linear-gradient” property along with the “border-left” property. The gradient can be customized to suit your design preferences. Here is the CSS code:

    .vertical-line {
      border-left: 1px solid;
      height: 100px;
      border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000, #fff);
      border-image-slice: 1;
Example Description
Example 1 A simple vertical line created using the “border-left” property with a height of 100 pixels.
Example 2 A vertical line spanning the height of its parent container using the “height: 100%” property and absolute positioning.
Example 3 A vertical line with a gradient effect created using the “linear-gradient” property along with the “border-left” property.

Best Practices for Drawing Vertical Lines in CSS

When it comes to drawing vertical lines in CSS, following best practices ensures clean and effective code. These tips will help you create visually appealing vertical lines that enhance the overall design of your webpages.

Use Appropriate Units for Measurements

When specifying the height, width, and other dimensions of your vertical lines, it is important to use appropriate units. CSS provides various units like pixels (px), percentages (%), and viewport units (vw/vh) that can be used to accurately define the size of your lines. Choose the unit that best suits your design requirements and ensures responsiveness across different devices.

Avoid Unnecessary Additional Markup

While drawing vertical lines, it’s important to keep your HTML markup clean and minimal. Avoid adding unnecessary additional elements or divs solely for the purpose of drawing a line. Instead, utilize CSS properties like “border-left” or “border-right” along with the appropriate height property to create your vertical lines directly within existing elements.

Utilize CSS Preprocessors for Efficient Code

Using CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less can greatly improve the efficiency and maintainability of your code when drawing vertical lines. Preprocessors allow you to define reusable variables, mixins, and functions, which can be particularly useful when working with repetitive styles for vertical lines. By organizing your code effectively, you can save time and effort in the long run.

By following these best practices, you can ensure clean and efficient code while drawing vertical lines in CSS. These tips will help you create visually appealing lines that enhance the overall design of your webpages. Remember to use appropriate units, avoid unnecessary markup, and consider utilizing CSS preprocessors for more efficient code management.


As we conclude this CSS vertical line tutorial, we have learned the essential techniques for drawing vertical lines using CSS. By leveraging properties like “border-left” or “border-right,” combined with the “height” and other related properties, you can easily create visually appealing vertical lines on your webpages.

Implementing the best practices discussed earlier, such as using appropriate units of measurement and avoiding unnecessary markup, will help you create clean and efficient CSS code for drawing vertical lines. These practices ensure that your lines are consistent, responsive, and easily maintainable.

In summary, drawing vertical lines in CSS is a valuable skill that allows you to enhance the layout of your webpages. By applying the knowledge gained in this tutorial, you can create visually appealing designs and improve the overall user experience. So go ahead, experiment with different styles and sizes, and take your CSS skills to the next level.


How can I draw a vertical line in CSS?

To draw a vertical line in CSS, you can use the “border-left” or “border-right” property. The height property is used to set the height of the line element, and other properties like “width,” “margin,” and “position” can be used to control its size, position, and appearance. By combining these properties, you can easily create a vertical line in CSS.

What properties can I use to draw lines in CSS?

CSS provides various properties for drawing different shapes, including lines. To draw lines in CSS, you can use properties like “border-left,” “border-right,” “border-top,” and “border-bottom.” These properties allow you to specify the width, style, and color of the line. In this tutorial, we will focus on drawing horizontal and vertical lines using CSS.

How do I draw a horizontal line in CSS?

To draw a horizontal line in CSS, you can use the “border-bottom” property. By specifying the width, style, and color of the border, you can create a horizontal line of your desired length. Additionally, you can use other CSS properties like “width” and “margin” to control the size and position of the line on the page.

Can you provide examples of drawing vertical lines in CSS?

Here are a few examples of how you can draw vertical lines in CSS. These examples demonstrate different techniques and properties that can be used to create vertical lines of various styles and sizes. By understanding these examples, you can apply the knowledge to your own CSS projects and create visually appealing vertical lines.

What are the best practices for drawing vertical lines in CSS?

To ensure optimal results when drawing vertical lines in CSS, it is important to follow certain best practices. These include using appropriate units for measurements, avoiding unnecessary additional markup, and utilizing CSS preprocessors for more efficient code. By implementing these best practices, you can create clean and maintainable CSS code for drawing vertical lines.

How can drawing vertical lines enhance web design?

Drawing vertical lines in CSS is a simple yet powerful technique for enhancing the visual layout of webpages. By understanding the relevant CSS properties and applying best practices, you can easily create vertical lines of varying styles and sizes. With this knowledge, you can further enhance your CSS skills and create visually appealing web designs.

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