how to get the css selector of an element

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Get the CSS Selector of an Element

In order to style HTML elements on a web page, programmers need to use CSS selectors. CSS selectors are patterns of elements and other terms that specify which HTML elements should have specific CSS styles applied to them. These selectors can target elements based on their type, class, ID, attributes, and more. Understanding CSS selectors allows programmers to have fine-grained control over styling elements on their web pages.

When it comes to styling elements on a web page, having a solid understanding of CSS selectors is crucial. By mastering the art of selecting elements with CSS, programmers can create visually appealing and engaging websites. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process of obtaining the CSS selector of an element, allowing you to enhance your web page styling skills.

Key Takeaways:

  • CSS selectors are essential for styling HTML elements on a web page.
  • Selectors can target elements based on their type, class, ID, attributes, and more.
  • Understanding the different types of CSS selectors is crucial for effective styling.
  • CSS selectors are widely used in Selenium test scripts for element identification.
  • By.cssSelector(String cssSelector) is a method in Selenium WebDriver for locating elements.

Different Types of CSS Selectors

CSS selectors play a crucial role in web development, allowing programmers to style HTML elements with precision. By understanding the different types of CSS selectors available, developers can effectively target and style elements on their web pages.

Let’s explore the various types of CSS selectors:

Type Selectors

Type selectors target specific HTML elements based on their tag names. For example, the selector “h1” would target all <h1> elements on a page. Type selectors are useful when you want to apply styles to elements of a certain type across your entire website.

Class Selectors

Class selectors allow you to target elements based on their CSS class attribute. By assigning a class to multiple elements, you can style them collectively using a single class selector. For example, the selector “.highlight” would target all elements with the class “highlight”.

ID Selectors

ID selectors are used to target elements with a specific ID attribute. While class selectors can be used on multiple elements, ID selectors should be unique to a single element on a page. To target an element with a specific ID, use the “#” symbol followed by the ID name. For example, the selector “#logo” would target the element with the ID “logo”.

Attribute Selectors

Attribute selectors allow you to target elements based on their attributes. You can select elements based on attribute presence, attribute value, or attribute value with specific conditions. For example, the selector “[href]” would target all elements with an “href” attribute, while the selector “[href^=’https://’]” would target elements with an “href” attribute starting with “https://”.

Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements

Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements target elements based on their states or specific parts. Pseudo-classes are keywords that define a specific state an element can be in, such as “:hover” for elements being hovered over by the cursor. Pseudo-elements, on the other hand, target specific parts of an element, such as “::before” to style the content before an element. These selectors are powerful tools for creating interactive and visually appealing web pages.


Combinators are used to combine different selectors to create more specific targeting. There are four types of combinator selectors: descendant combinator (space), child combinator (“>”), adjacent sibling combinator (“+”), and general sibling combinator (“~”). These selectors allow you to target elements based on their relationships with other elements in the HTML structure.

By harnessing the power of these different types of CSS selectors, programmers can elevate their styling capabilities and create visually stunning websites.

Using CSS Selectors in Selenium Test Scripts

CSS selectors play a crucial role in Selenium test scripts, allowing testers to efficiently identify and locate web elements. With the By.cssSelector(String cssSelector) method in Selenium WebDriver, developers can pass a CSS selector string as an argument to locate elements. This method enables element identification based on various attributes, including ID, class, name, and more.

Compared to XPath, CSS selectors offer simplicity and speed, making them a preferred choice for element identification in Selenium. However, it is important for testers to have a solid understanding of locators in Selenium before utilizing CSS selectors specifically. This ensures accurate and effective identification of web elements during test execution.

With the correct syntax and knowledge of CSS selectors, testers can precisely identify and interact with web elements, enhancing the robustness and reliability of their Selenium tests. By leveraging CSS selectors, testers can streamline the automation process and achieve comprehensive test coverage.


How do I style HTML elements on a web page?

To style HTML elements, you need to use CSS selectors. CSS selectors are patterns that specify which HTML elements should have specific CSS styles applied to them. By targeting elements based on their type, class, ID, attributes, and more, you can have fine-grained control over styling elements on your web pages.

What are the different types of CSS selectors?

CSS selectors can be categorized into various types. Type selectors target specific HTML elements, such as h1 or p. Class selectors target elements with a specific class value, while ID selectors target elements with a specific ID value. Attribute selectors allow for selection based on the presence or value of certain attributes. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements target element states or specific parts of an element. Combinators combine selectors to target elements within a document.

How can I use CSS selectors in Selenium test scripts?

CSS selectors are widely used in Selenium to identify and locate web elements. The By.cssSelector(String cssSelector) method in Selenium WebDriver accepts a CSS selector string as an argument to locate elements. CSS selectors can be used to identify elements based on their ID, class, name, attributes, and more. This makes CSS selectors a preferred method over XPath due to their simplicity and speed. It is important to have a good understanding of locators in Selenium before using CSS selectors specifically to effectively identify and interact with web elements in your Selenium tests.


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