how to import css file in react

Learn How to Import CSS File in React: Easy Guide

To create attractive and user-friendly web pages in React, it is essential to import CSS files. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, acts as an instructional manual that styles and organizes HTML elements. ReactJS, a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, requires CSS to provide design and structure to web pages. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of CSS and ReactJS, and learn how to import CSS files in ReactJS components.

Key Takeaways:

  • Importing CSS files in React is crucial for styling and enhancing the user interface.
  • CSS acts as an instructional manual for organizing HTML elements.
  • ReactJS, a JavaScript library, requires CSS for design and structure in web pages.
  • By importing CSS files, you can apply styles to ReactJS components.
  • Understanding the basics of CSS and ReactJS is important before importing CSS files.

Understanding the Basics of CSS and ReactJS

Before diving into the process of importing CSS files in React, it is important to understand the basics of CSS and ReactJS. CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to design and format documents written in HTML or XHTML. It adds character and visual appeal to web pages, making them more engaging for users. On the other hand, ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications. It acts as the architect and builder, creating efficient and dynamic UI components.

In the context of web development, HTML is used to structure the content of a web page, and CSS is used to style and present that content. HTML elements represent the structure of the page, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists, while CSS is responsible for the visual aspects, such as colors, fonts, and layouts. By combining HTML and CSS, developers can create attractive and user-friendly web pages.

ReactJS takes this concept further by introducing a component-based architecture. Components are reusable, self-contained modules that encapsulate both the structure and styling of a particular element or section of a web page. This allows developers to create complex user interfaces by composing smaller, modular components. CSS plays a vital role in styling these components, enabling developers to define the appearance and behavior of each individual component.

HTML, CSS, and ReactJS Working Together

When working with ReactJS, HTML elements are represented as JSX (JavaScript XML) within the component’s render method. JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows developers to write HTML-like code directly in their JavaScript files. CSS can be applied to these JSX elements by importing CSS files or using inline styles defined within the component’s JavaScript code.

“React Components allow you to split the user interface into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation. CSS provides the design, while React Components provide the structure and functionality.” – ReactJS Documentation

By understanding the basics of CSS and ReactJS, developers can leverage the power of both technologies to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces for their web applications.

Importing CSS Files in ReactJS Components

When working with ReactJS, importing CSS files is an essential step in adding styles and design to your components. By following a few simple steps, you can easily import a CSS file and apply its styles to your ReactJS components.

The first step is to create a CSS file in your project’s source directory. Name the file “App.css” or any name of your choice. In this file, you can define all the CSS rules that you want to use in your ReactJS components. This allows you to separate your styles from your component code, making it easier to manage and update.

After creating the CSS file, you can proceed to import it in your ReactJS component. To do this, use the “import” keyword followed by the path to the CSS file. For example, if your CSS file is in the same directory as your component, you can simply use:

import ‘./App.css’;

By importing the CSS file, you make the styles defined in the file available for use in your component. This means that you can apply these styles to specific elements or classes within your component’s JSX code.

importing CSS file in ReactJS component

Step Description
Step 1 Create a CSS file in the source directory
Step 2 Name the CSS file “App.css” or any desired name
Step 3 Define CSS rules in the CSS file
Step 4 Import the CSS file in your ReactJS component
Step 5 Apply the imported styles to elements or classes in your component

Importing CSS files in ReactJS components allows you to separate your styles from your component code, making it easier to manage and update. By following these steps, you can enhance the visual appeal of your ReactJS applications and create a better user experience.

Exploring Advanced Styling Techniques in React

In addition to importing CSS files, React offers other advanced styling techniques that can be useful in complex projects. Let’s take a look at some of these techniques:

CSS Modules

CSS modules provide a way to create modular and scoped CSS styles in React. They help eliminate the risk of class name clashes and allow for easy reuse of styles across components. By using CSS modules, you can ensure that the styles you define in one component do not interfere with the styles of another component. This improves the organization and maintainability of your codebase.

Modular CSS Styles

In addition to CSS modules, you can also use modular CSS styles in React. Modular CSS allows you to define styles in a way that promotes reusability and encapsulation. You can create separate CSS files for each component and import them only when needed. This helps in keeping your codebase clean and makes it easier to manage and update the styles of individual components.

Class Name Clashes

One common issue in styling React components is class name clashes. When multiple components share the same class names, it can lead to unexpected styling issues. To mitigate this problem, you can use techniques like CSS modules or prefixing your class names with a unique identifier. This ensures that each component has its own unique set of class names, preventing clashes and maintaining consistent styling.

Scoped Styles

Scoped styles are another technique you can use in React to isolate styles to specific components. By scoping your styles, you ensure that they only apply to the component they are defined in and do not leak to other parts of the application. This helps in encapsulating styles and preventing unintended side effects on other components.


Styled-components is a popular library in the React ecosystem that allows you to write CSS directly in your JavaScript code. It provides a seamless integration of CSS within your components, making it easier to create and manage styles. With styled-components, you can define styles as components themselves, leveraging the full power of JavaScript to create dynamic and reusable styles.

Overall, these advanced styling techniques in React offer better organization, encapsulation, and maintainability of your styles. By using CSS modules, modular CSS styles, and scoped styles, you can avoid class name clashes and ensure that your styles are isolated to specific components. Additionally, using libraries like styled-components can further enhance your styling workflow. Experiment with these techniques and find the approach that works best for your project.



Mastering CSS styling in React is a vital skill for building user-friendly websites. By importing CSS files and understanding the fundamentals of CSS and ReactJS, you can elevate the visual appeal of your web applications. Whether you’re creating single-page applications or multi-component projects, knowing how to style your React components is essential.

Moreover, exploring advanced styling techniques like CSS modules and styled-components can greatly enhance your development workflow. CSS modules offer modular and scoped styling, eliminating class name clashes and promoting code reusability. On the other hand, styled-components provide a seamless integration of CSS within your JavaScript code, reducing the need for external CSS files.

By employing these styling techniques, you can build websites that meet modern design standards while ensuring maintainability and scalability. So, take advantage of the CSS styling capabilities in React and embark on a journey to create visually stunning and user-friendly websites.


How can I import a CSS file in ReactJS?

To import a CSS file in ReactJS, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, create a CSS file in your project’s source directory and name it App.css. Next, use the import keyword followed by the path to your CSS file in the component where you want to import the CSS. This will make the styles defined in the CSS file available for use in the component.

What are CSS modules and how can they be used in React projects?

CSS modules provide a way to create modular and scoped CSS styles in React projects. They eliminate the risk of class name clashes and allow for easy reuse of styles across components. By using CSS modules, you can achieve better organization and encapsulation of styles, making your code more maintainable and scalable.

How can I write CSS directly in my JavaScript code in React?

One popular technique for writing CSS directly in JavaScript code in React is through the use of styled-components. With styled-components, you can write CSS styles as JavaScript code, making it easier to manage and apply styles to your React components.

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