how to import css react

Master the Basics: How to Import CSS React for Developers

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and ReactJS are essential tools for developers in the world of web creation and designing. Knowing how to import CSS in ReactJS can elevate a developer’s skills and enable them to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites. In this article, we will explore the basics of CSS and ReactJS, and guide you through the process of importing CSS files into your ReactJS components.

By understanding the fundamentals of CSS and ReactJS, developers can unlock the power of styling their web applications effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, mastering the art of importing CSS in ReactJS is a valuable skillset to have in your arsenal.

Key Takeaways:

  • Importing CSS in ReactJS is crucial for developers to style their web applications.
  • CSS provides the instructions for designing the look and formatting of elements, while ReactJS builds and renders the components.
  • Developers have different options for styling approaches in React, such as inline styles, plain CSS, SASS/SCSS, and the @import CSS at-rule.
  • Choosing the right styling approach depends on the project’s requirements and the developer’s preference.
  • By mastering the basics of CSS and ReactJS, developers can create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

Understanding the Basics of CSS and ReactJS

To effectively import CSS in ReactJS, it is important to have a solid grasp of both CSS and ReactJS. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used for styling and formatting HTML or XHTML documents. It provides the instructions for designing the visual appearance of web pages. On the other hand, ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building interactive user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, making it easier to manage and update complex web applications.

CSS and ReactJS work together to create visually appealing websites with a user-friendly design. CSS is responsible for styling the individual elements of a web page, such as fonts, colors, and layout, while ReactJS handles the logic and rendering of these components. By understanding the basics of both CSS and ReactJS, developers can effectively leverage the power of these technologies to create engaging and interactive web applications.

“CSS and ReactJS work together to create visually appealing websites with a user-friendly design.”

When working with ReactJS, it is important to keep in mind that CSS styles are applied globally by default. This means that the styles defined in a CSS file will be applied to all matching elements throughout the website. To import a CSS file in ReactJS, developers need to create a CSS file in the project’s source directory and then import it into their ReactJS components using the import keyword followed by the path to the CSS file.

By understanding the fundamentals of CSS and ReactJS, developers can take advantage of the powerful styling capabilities that CSS offers and effectively incorporate them into their ReactJS projects. Whether it’s defining the overall look and feel of a web page or customizing individual components, CSS and ReactJS combine to create dynamic and visually appealing user interfaces.

Importing CSS in ReactJS

To import a CSS file in ReactJS, you first need to create a CSS file in your project’s source directory. This file will contain all your CSS rules. Once you have created the CSS file, you can import it into your ReactJS component using the import keyword followed by the path to your CSS file.

The CSS file is included in the JavaScript bundle created when you build your ReactJS application. The CSS styles are applied globally, meaning they apply to matching elements throughout your website.

In the example below, we have a CSS file named “styles.css” located in the same directory as our ReactJS component:


import React from 'react';
import './styles.css';

function App() {
  return (
{/* Your code here */}
); } export default App;

In the above example, the CSS file “styles.css” is imported using the import keyword, and the styles defined in that file will be applied to the elements within the App component.

Inline Styles vs. External CSS Files

While importing CSS files is a common practice in ReactJS, it is also worth considering other styling approaches available, such as inline styles. With inline styles, you can define your styles directly within JSX elements using the style attribute.

Inline styles can be useful for small-scale styling, but for larger applications, using external CSS files provides better organization and separation of concerns. It allows you to easily maintain and update styles across multiple components.

Ultimately, the choice between inline styles and importing CSS files depends on the specific needs of your project and your personal coding preferences.

Different Styling Approaches in React

When it comes to styling a React application, developers have various approaches to choose from based on their project’s requirements. Let’s explore some of the most commonly used techniques:

Inline Styles

Inline styles involve directly applying CSS properties within the React code. This approach allows for dynamic styling based on state or props, but it can become challenging to manage and maintain as the application grows. Here’s an example:

Hello, World!

Plain CSS

Importing a separate CSS stylesheet is another popular approach in React. This allows developers to leverage the full power of CSS with features like cascading, inheritance, and media queries. It provides a clean separation between styles and components, making it easier to maintain and reuse CSS rules. Here’s how you can import a CSS file in React:

“import ‘./styles.css’;”


SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) or SCSS is a CSS preprocessor that extends CSS with additional features like variables, nesting, and mixins. It offers more flexibility and organization in writing CSS code. Developers can create reusable styles and avoid repeating code. Here’s an example of using SASS in React:

“import ‘./styles.scss’;”

@import CSS at-rule

The @import CSS at-rule allows developers to import styles from other stylesheets. This approach can be useful when you want to utilize styles from existing CSS libraries or frameworks. Here’s an example:

“@import ‘bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css’;”

Each of these styling approaches has its own advantages and trade-offs. The choice depends on factors such as project complexity, team preferences, and the need for code organization and reusability. By understanding these different techniques, developers can effectively style their React applications and create visually appealing user interfaces.

Approach Pros Cons
Inline Styles Dynamic styling, encapsulation Difficult to manage, code clutter
Plain CSS Full power of CSS, code separation Potential conflicts, global scope
SASS/SCSS Additional features, code organization Learning curve, build configuration
@import CSS at-rule Reuse existing styles, quick setup Performance impact, dependency management


Importing CSS in ReactJS is an essential skill for developers looking to style their web applications effectively. By utilizing CSS, developers can design the look and formatting of webpage elements, while ReactJS handles the building and rendering of components.

Understanding the basics of CSS and ReactJS empowers developers to import CSS files into their ReactJS components, allowing them to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites. Whether using inline styles, plain CSS, SASS/SCSS, or the @import CSS at-rule, developers have various options to choose from based on their project’s specific needs and requirements.

By harnessing the power of CSS and ReactJS, developers can elevate their website styling and design, resulting in captivating and engaging ReactJS applications. Start importing CSS in ReactJS today and let your web creation prowess shine.


How do I import CSS in ReactJS?

To import CSS in ReactJS, you need to create a CSS file in your project’s source directory and import it into your ReactJS component using the import keyword followed by the path to your CSS file.

What is the purpose of CSS in web development?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used for designing the look and formatting of HTML or XHTML documents. It provides the styling instructions for your web page, allowing you to create visually appealing designs.

What is ReactJS used for?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces, specifically for single-page applications. It helps in creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

Can I use inline styles in ReactJS?

Yes, you can style elements directly in your React code using inline styles. However, as your application grows, managing inline styles can become challenging.

What are the different approaches to styling a React application?

There are several approaches to styling a React application. You can use inline styles, import a separate CSS stylesheet, or use CSS preprocessors like SASS/SCSS. Another option is to use the @import CSS at-rule to import styles from other stylesheets.

Which styling approach should I choose for my React project?

The choice of styling approach depends on your project’s requirements. Inline styles are suitable for small applications, while importing a CSS stylesheet provides access to all CSS features. SASS/SCSS offers additional features like variables and nesting. Consider your project’s needs and choose the approach that best suits them.

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