how to round an image in css

Mastering CSS: Guide on How to Round an Image

CSS Borders refers to the line outside the padding and inside the margin of the CSS Box Model. This line wraps around the padding and content in every HTML Element. Borders can be customized using the CSS border-radius property to create rounded edges for images. Understanding how to round an image in CSS is essential for creating beautiful, sleek website designs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding CSS border-radius property is important for creating rounded edges in images
  • Mastering CSS border properties enhances website design
  • Creating visually appealing web elements can improve user experience
  • Rounded edges can be achieved by using the border-radius property in CSS
  • Knowledge of CSS border styles, width, and color is crucial in achieving desired visual effects

Introduction to CSS Borders

CSS Borders are an essential component of website designs. They separate the padding and margin of the CSS Box Model, adding visual contrast and enhancing the overall presentation of web elements. By applying different border styles, widths, colors, and other properties, designers can create unique and visually appealing effects.

The CSS Box Model is the foundation for understanding borders. It consists of the content area, padding, border, and margin. The border sits between the padding and margin, defining the outer boundary of the element. By manipulating the border properties, designers can achieve various effects to complement their website designs.

Buttons, cards, and form fields are some examples of web elements that commonly utilize CSS borders. Borders can help highlight and differentiate these elements from the rest of the page, making them visually prominent. They are a versatile tool for designers to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing user interface.

Understanding CSS borders and how they fit into the overall website design is crucial for mastering CSS. In the next section, we will explore the CSS border-style property, which allows designers to define the style of the border line.

CSS Border-style property

The CSS border-style property is used to set the style or decoration of the border of a web element. It offers various predefined values such as solid, dashed, and dotted. These styles determine the appearance of the border, whether it is a straight line, a series of dashes, or rounded dots. Understanding the different border styles is crucial for customizing the look of borders in CSS.

Here are some common border styles and their CSS values:

  • Solid: Creates a solid, continuous line.
  • Dashed: Creates a series of dashes.
  • Dotted: Creates a series of dots.

To apply a specific border style to an element, use the border-style property in your CSS code. Here’s an example:

p {
  border-style: solid;

By default, the border-style property is set to none, which means no border is applied. You can combine the border-style property with other border-related properties such as border-width and border-color to create custom border styles.

CSS border-style property


Here are some examples of how the CSS border-style property can be used to create different border effects:

Border Style CSS Code
Solid border-style: solid;
Dashed border-style: dashed;
Dotted border-style: dotted;

CSS Border-Width Property

The CSS border-width property is used to set the size of the border width. It allows designers to define the thickness of the border surrounding a web element, such as an image or a container. The border width can be specified using length values, such as pixels (px), ems (em), or percentages (%), or using keyword values, such as thin, medium, or thick.

Specifying the border width accurately is crucial for achieving the desired visual effect. For example, a smaller border width can create a more subtle and elegant look, while a larger border width can add emphasis and make the element stand out.

Here is an example of how the CSS border-width property can be used:

<img src=”” alt=”CSS border-width example”>


img {

border: 2px solid black;

border-radius: 8px;



The above example sets the border width of the image to 2 pixels, creating a thin border around the image. The border-radius property is also used to create rounded corners for a more aesthetically pleasing look.

Value Description
thin Specifies a thin border width
medium Specifies a medium border width
thick Specifies a thick border width
length value Specifies the border width in pixels (px), ems (em), or percentages (%)

CSS Border-color property

The CSS border-color property is used to define the color of the border of a web element. It allows designers to customize the appearance of borders by specifying the color using various methods.

One common way to define the border color is by using named colors, such as “red”, “blue”, or “green”. These named colors can be easily applied to the border, providing a quick and convenient way to style the element.

Another method to specify the border color is by using RGB, hexadecimal, or HSL values. RGB values represent the amount of red, green, and blue in the color, while hexadecimal values are a combination of red, green, and blue values represented in a hexadecimal format. HSL values define the color using hue, saturation, and lightness.

By utilizing these different color representation methods, designers have a wide range of options for creating visually appealing borders that complement their website’s overall design.

Representation Method Example
Named Color border-color: red;
RGB Value border-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
Hexadecimal Value border-color: #ff0000;
HSL Value border-color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);

CSS Border-radius property

The CSS border-radius property is a versatile tool that allows designers to create rounded edges for various web elements. By specifying a border-radius value, you can give images, containers, buttons, and other elements a more visually appealing and modern look.

One of the most popular use cases for the border-radius property is creating circular profile pictures. By setting the border-radius to 50%, you can transform a square or rectangular image into a perfectly round shape. This technique is widely used in social media platforms, online communities, and professional websites to add a personal touch and enhance user engagement.

CSS Border-radius property

Furthermore, the border-radius property allows for more complex shapes beyond simple circles. You can create elliptical shapes by specifying different horizontal and vertical radii. Additionally, by using percentage values, you can create more fluid and responsive designs that adapt well to different screen sizes.


Here are a few examples of how the border-radius property can be used:

  • Creating rounded corners for image thumbnails
  • Adding a soft and elegant shape to call-to-action buttons
  • Styling progress bars with curved edges

By experimenting with different border-radius values and combining them with other CSS properties, you can achieve unique and visually appealing designs that elevate the overall aesthetics of your website.

Shape Border-radius Value
Square 0
Circle 50%
Rounded Rectangle 10px

As demonstrated in the table above, the border-radius value can be specified in various units such as pixels (px) or percentage (%), allowing for precise control over the shape and curvature of the border. Experiment with different values to achieve the desired effect for your web elements.

CSS Border-image Property

The CSS border-image property is a powerful tool that allows designers to use custom images as borders for web elements. By applying a border-image, you can create unique and visually appealing border designs that can greatly enhance the overall look and feel of your website.

The border-image property consists of several sub-properties that work together to define the appearance of the border. The border-image-source property specifies the image to be used as the border. This image can be in any supported format, such as PNG, JPEG, or SVG. The border-image-slice property determines how the image is sliced into nine regions, which are then used to create the border. This allows you to control which parts of the image are stretched, repeated, or kept as is.

With the CSS border-image property, you have the flexibility to create custom border shapes and styles. You can experiment with different images, such as patterns, textures, or even illustrations, to achieve the desired effect. It’s a great way to add a touch of creativity and uniqueness to your website design.



Mastering CSS border properties is essential for creating visually appealing website designs. By understanding how to round an image in CSS using the border-radius property, designers can add unique and attractive elements to their web pages.

With the CSS border-style, border-width, and border-color properties, designers can customize the appearance of borders to achieve their desired visual effect. Whether it’s solid, dashed, or dotted, designers have the flexibility to create borders that enhance the overall design of their website.

Furthermore, the border-image property allows designers to go beyond traditional border styles by using custom images as borders. This technique opens up endless possibilities for creating unique and visually appealing border designs.

By mastering these CSS techniques, designers can achieve beautiful and sleek website designs that significantly enhance the user experience. So, whether you’re creating a rounded image or custom border, understanding CSS border properties is crucial for achieving stunning website designs.


How can I round an image in CSS?

To round an image in CSS, you can use the border-radius property. By specifying a value for border-radius, you can create rounded edges for images and containers. This property allows you to give images and elements a circular or curved appearance.

What is the purpose of CSS borders?

CSS borders are used to separate the padding and margin of the CSS Box Model. They can be applied to web elements such as buttons, cards, and form fields to enhance the visual presentation of web content. Borders also create a color contrast between a web element and the web page background, improving the overall design aesthetic.

How do I customize the style of a border in CSS?

To customize the style of a border in CSS, you can use the border-style property. This property allows you to set the style or decoration of the border. You can choose from predefined values such as solid, dashed, and dotted to determine the appearance of the border. Each style creates a different visual effect, whether it’s a straight line, a series of dashes, or rounded dots.

How do I set the width of a border in CSS?

In CSS, you can set the width of a border using the border-width property. This property allows you to define the size of the border width. You can use keyword values such as thin, medium, and thick, or specify length values such as pixels (px), ems (em), or percentages (%). Accurately specifying the border width is important for achieving the desired visual effect in CSS.

How can I choose the color of a border in CSS?

To choose the color of a border in CSS, you can use the border-color property. This property allows you to define the color of the border. You can specify the color using named colors, RGB values, hexadecimal values, or HSL values. Choosing the right border color is crucial for achieving the desired aesthetic result in CSS.

What is the border-radius property in CSS?

The border-radius property in CSS is used to create rounded edges for web elements. It enables designers to give images and containers a circular or curved appearance. This property is commonly used to create circular profile pictures and enhance the visual appeal of web pages. Understanding how to use the border-radius property is essential for achieving rounded edges and circular shapes in CSS.

How can I use custom images as borders in CSS?

To use custom images as borders in CSS, you can utilize the border-image property. This property consists of several sub-properties like border-image-source, border-image-slice, border-image-width, border-image-outset, and border-image-repeat. Understanding how to use the border-image property is important for creating unique and visually appealing border designs in CSS.

What should I focus on when mastering CSS border properties?

When mastering CSS border properties, it is crucial to understand and effectively utilize properties such as border-style, border-width, and border-color. These properties allow you to customize the appearance of borders, create color contrasts, and enhance the overall visual appeal of your website designs. Additionally, understanding how to round an image in CSS using the border-radius property enables you to add unique and attractive elements to your web pages, resulting in beautiful and sleek designs that enhance the overall user experience.

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