how to save html file from r markdown

How To Save Html File From R Markdown

If you’re working with R Markdown and want to save your document as an HTML file, you’re in the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of saving an HTML file from R Markdown so you can easily share your work with others. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Open your R Markdown document in RStudio.
  • Click on the “Knit” button in the toolbar.
  • Choose the “Knit to HTML” option.
  • Once the knitting process is complete, the HTML file will be saved in your current working directory.
  • Share the HTML file with your team or stakeholders to easily collaborate and showcase your data analysis.

Exporting HTML from R Markdown

In R Markdown, you have several options for exporting your document as HTML. These options allow you to customize the output and choose the format that best suits your needs. Here are the various file formats and export methods available:

  1. Knit Button in RStudio

    You can export the HTML file directly from RStudio by clicking on the “Knit” button. This will initiate the knitting process and generate the HTML output. It’s a quick and straightforward way to export your document.

  2. Chunk Options

    By modifying the chunk options in your R Markdown document, you can control what is rendered in the HTML file. This allows you to customize the output and include or exclude specific code, text, or results.

  3. Exporting Raw HTML Fragment

    If you only need the raw HTML fragment without any additional formatting or styling, you can export it directly from R Markdown. This is useful if you want to embed the HTML code into another web page or document.

  4. Self-Contained HTML Page

    To create a self-contained HTML page, you can save the HTML file with all its dependencies embedded. This means that all the necessary CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, and images are included within the HTML file itself. It ensures that the page retains its formatting and functionality even when transferred to another location.

  5. Loose Assets

    If you prefer to keep the HTML file and its related files organized in the same directory, you can save the HTML file in a folder with loose assets. This includes CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, images, or any other assets associated with the HTML file. It provides a modular and organized structure to manage your files.

  6. Packaged Zip File

    If you need to share your HTML file along with all its dependencies in a compressed format, you can export it as a packaged zip file. This bundles all the necessary files into a single archive, making it easy to distribute and share the entire project.

  7. Browser Features

    Alternatively, you can use browser features to save the HTML file. Most web browsers offer the “Save As” option, allowing you to save the HTML file directly from the browser. This is especially helpful when you want to quickly save the rendered output for offline viewing or future reference.

Export Method Description
Knit Button in RStudio Export the HTML file directly from RStudio.
Chunk Options Customize the output by modifying chunk options.
Exporting Raw HTML Fragment Export only the raw HTML fragment without additional formatting.
Self-Contained HTML Page Save the HTML file with embedded dependencies.
Loose Assets Save the HTML file with loose assets in the same directory.
Packaged Zip File Export the HTML file with all dependencies in a compressed format.
Browser Features Save the HTML file using browser options like “Save As”.

Export HTML from R Markdown

Knitting R Markdown to HTML

Knitting an R Markdown document to HTML is a straightforward process that can be easily done in RStudio. By following these simple steps, you can generate an HTML output from your R Markdown document:

  1. Open your R Markdown document in RStudio.
  2. Click on the “Knit” button in the toolbar.
  3. Choose the “Knit to HTML” option.
  4. RStudio will process your R Markdown document and generate the HTML output.
  5. Once the knitting process is complete, the HTML file will be saved in your current working directory.
  6. Now, you can open the HTML file in any web browser to view and share the rendered document.

Knitting R Markdown to HTML provides a convenient way to present your data analysis and reports in a visually appealing format. With RStudio’s seamless integration, you can effortlessly create HTML outputs that can be easily shared with your team or other stakeholders.

knitting R Markdown to HTML


In summary, R Markdown provides a straightforward solution for saving HTML files, making it effortless to share your data analysis and reports with colleagues and stakeholders. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily export your R Markdown documents as HTML files, streamlining your data analysis and reporting process.

The combination of R Markdown and HTML offers a powerful platform for generating visually appealing and informative reports. With R Markdown’s flexibility and customization options, you can tailor your HTML output to meet your specific needs, ensuring your data is presented in a way that best communicates your insights.

Give R Markdown a try today and discover the benefits of effortlessly creating and saving HTML files for your data analysis projects. Whether you’re working on data visualizations, research findings, or business reports, R Markdown’s ability to generate HTML output will enhance your ability to communicate and share your work effectively.


How do I save an HTML file from R Markdown?

To save an HTML file from R Markdown, open your R Markdown document in RStudio, click on the “Knit” button in the toolbar, and choose the “Knit to HTML” option. R Markdown will process your document and generate the HTML output, which will be saved in your current working directory.

What options do I have for exporting my R Markdown document as HTML?

You have several options for exporting your R Markdown document as HTML. These include using the “Knit” button in RStudio to export the HTML file directly, modifying chunk options to customize the output, exporting the raw HTML fragment only, saving the HTML file as a self-contained page with embedded dependencies, saving the HTML file in a folder with loose assets, exporting the HTML file as a packaged zip file, or using browser features to save the HTML file.

How do I knit an R Markdown document to HTML in RStudio?

To knit an R Markdown document to HTML in RStudio, open your R Markdown document, click on the “Knit” button in the toolbar, and choose the “Knit to HTML” option. RStudio will process your document and generate the HTML output, which will be saved in your current working directory. You can then open the HTML file in any web browser to view and share the rendered document.


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