how to target sibling in css

Learn How to Target Sibling in CSS: Simple & Effective Guide

Element selection in CSS can sometimes be a bit more tricky than usual. Certain cases involve making complex logical selections, such as targeting a direct child, an immediate sibling, or any sibling to solve specific layout problems. This article focuses on CSS sibling combinators, specifically the adjacent sibling combinator and general sibling combinator. By the end of the article, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to target siblings in CSS and examples of their practical applications.

Key Takeaways:

  • CSS sibling combinators allow you to select and style sibling elements in web development
  • The adjacent sibling combinator targets the element immediately next to a given HTML element
  • The general sibling combinator selects any sibling element that meets the specified criteria
  • Examples of using sibling combinators include improving spacing, hacking content alignment, and toggling display
  • Understanding the differences between the adjacent and general sibling combinators is crucial for effective usage

What are CSS Sibling Combinators?

CSS sibling combinators are a set of operators that allow you to select elements based on their position relative to each other in the source order. There are two types of CSS sibling combinators: the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator. These combinators can be useful when you need to target specific sibling elements in your CSS styling.

The adjacent sibling combinator, denoted by the plus sign (+), selects the element immediately following a specified HTML element. This combinator is handy for situations where you want to apply styles to a sibling element that directly follows another element. For example, you can use the adjacent sibling combinator to target a paragraph that comes right after a heading.

The general sibling combinator, denoted by the tilde sign (~), selects any sibling element that meets the specified criteria, regardless of its immediate order. This combinator is useful when you want to target multiple sibling elements that follow a particular HTML element. For instance, you can use the general sibling combinator to style all the list items that come after a specific heading.

Combinator Description
Adjacent Sibling Combinator (+) Selects the element immediately following a specified HTML element.
General Sibling Combinator (~) Selects any sibling element that meets the specified criteria, regardless of its immediate order.

Understanding CSS sibling combinators can greatly enhance your ability to target and style sibling elements in CSS. With the adjacent sibling combinator, you can selectively style elements that come immediately after a specified element. The general sibling combinator allows you to style multiple elements that follow a particular HTML element, regardless of their order. By utilizing these combinators effectively, you can create more dynamic and visually appealing designs in your web development projects.

How to Use the Adjacent Sibling Combinator in CSS

The adjacent sibling combinator is a powerful tool in CSS that allows you to target the element immediately following a specified HTML element. Denoted by a plus sign (+), this combinator can be used to apply styles to specific siblings, enabling you to solve layout problems and create more visually appealing websites.

There are several practical applications for using the adjacent sibling combinator in CSS. One common use case is improving spacing between elements. By targeting the adjacent sibling and applying margin or padding styles, you can achieve precise control over the spacing, ensuring a clean and organized layout.

Another useful application is hacking content alignment. By targeting the adjacent sibling, you can adjust the positioning and alignment of elements, allowing for more flexibility in design. This can be particularly helpful when working with responsive layouts or complex page structures.


In the following example, we have a series of div elements representing different sections of a webpage. By using the adjacent sibling combinator, we can apply specific styles to the div immediately following the heading. This allows us to create a toggle effect, showing or hiding the content below the heading when clicked.

    <h3>Section 1</h3>
    <div>Content for Section 1</div>
    <h3>Section 2</h3>
    <div>Content for Section 2</div>
Styles Applied Result
<h3>Section 1 + div { display: none; }</code> The content for Section 1 is hidden on page load.
<h3>Section 1:hover + div { display: block; }</code> The content for Section 1 becomes visible when the heading is hovered.
<h3>Section 2 + div { display: none; }</code> The content for Section 2 is hidden on page load.
<h3>Section 2:hover + div { display: block; }</code> The content for Section 2 becomes visible when the heading is hovered.

By leveraging the power of the adjacent sibling combinator, you can achieve a range of effects and improve the overall design and functionality of your website. Whether it’s adjusting spacing, aligning content, or creating interactive elements, this CSS combinator is a valuable tool to have in your web developer toolkit.

adjacent sibling combinator in CSS

How to Use the General Sibling Combinator in CSS

The general sibling combinator in CSS, denoted by a tilde sign (~), is a powerful tool that allows you to select any sibling element that meets a specific criteria. Unlike the adjacent sibling combinator, which targets only the immediate neighboring element, the general sibling combinator provides more flexibility by selecting multiple matching siblings regardless of their immediate order in the HTML structure.

One of the primary use cases for the general sibling combinator is improving spacing in your website layout. By selecting multiple sibling elements, you can apply consistent margins or padding to create visual harmony. This technique is especially useful when working with responsive designs, as it allows you to adjust the spacing between elements based on the screen size.

Another practical application of the general sibling combinator is hacking content alignment. For example, you can use it to horizontally align a group of sibling elements within a container. By targeting all the relevant siblings and applying a common CSS rule, you can achieve a clean and visually appealing alignment without resorting to complex positioning techniques.

Additionally, the general sibling combinator is often employed in toggling display or creating responsive navigation menus. By selecting and styling multiple sibling elements, you can create dynamic menus that adapt to different screen sizes or user interactions. This can enhance the user experience and make your website more interactive and user-friendly.

Table: Practical Applications of the General Sibling Combinator in CSS

Use Case Description
Improving Spacing Apply consistent margins or padding to sibling elements for better visual alignment.
Hacking Content Alignment Horizontally align a group of sibling elements within a container.
Toggling Display Create dynamic menus or content sections that respond to user interactions.
Creating Responsive Navigation Design navigation menus that adapt to different screen sizes for improved user experience.

Differences between Adjacent and General Sibling Combinators

When working with CSS sibling combinators, it’s important to understand the differences between the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator. While both combinators target sibling elements, they have distinct selection approaches and functionalities.

Adjacent Sibling Combinator

The adjacent sibling combinator, denoted by a plus sign (+), selects the element immediately following a specified HTML element. It focuses on the immediate neighboring element and applies styles based on specific criteria. This combinator is useful for scenarios where you want to target a specific sibling and apply styles to it.

General Sibling Combinator

The general sibling combinator, denoted by a tilde sign (~), selects any sibling element that meets the specified criteria. It looks beyond the immediate order and selects every sibling that matches the given criterion. This combinator is beneficial when you want to apply styles to multiple elements that follow a particular HTML element, regardless of their immediate position.

By understanding these differences, you can utilize CSS sibling combinators more effectively in different scenarios. Whether you need to target a single sibling or multiple siblings, knowing when to use the adjacent or general sibling combinator will enhance your CSS skills and bring more flexibility to your web development projects.

CSS Sibling Combinators

Adjacent Sibling Combinator General Sibling Combinator
Targets the immediate adjacent sibling Selects any sibling that meets the criteria
Useful for targeting a specific sibling element Beneficial for styling multiple siblings
Seeks immediate neighboring elements Looks beyond immediate order
Applies styles based on specific criteria Selects every sibling that matches the given criterion

Use Cases for CSS Sibling Combinators

CSS sibling combinators provide a flexible and efficient way to target sibling elements in web development. By understanding and utilizing these combinators effectively, you can enhance your CSS skills and create dynamic and visually appealing websites. Let’s explore some practical use cases for both the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator.

Adjacent Sibling Combinator Use Cases

  • Improving Spacing: The adjacent sibling combinator is handy when you want to target elements next to each other and adjust their spacing. For example, you can use it to create consistent margins or paddings between sections of your webpage.
  • Hacking Content Alignment: If you have multiple elements that need to be aligned in a specific way, the adjacent sibling combinator can come to the rescue. By targeting the adjacent elements and applying appropriate styles, you can achieve the desired content alignment.
  • Toggling Display: With the adjacent sibling combinator, you can create interactive toggle functionality. By selecting an element and its adjacent sibling, you can toggle the display property to show or hide content based on user interaction.
  • Emulating Click-Based Toggling: The adjacent sibling combinator can be used to mimic click-based toggling behavior. By selecting a clickable element and its adjacent sibling, you can toggle the display of content when the clickable element is clicked.

General Sibling Combinator Use Cases

  • Creating Responsive Navigation: The general sibling combinator is great for creating responsive navigation menus. By targeting the main navigation element and its sibling elements, you can apply different styles to them based on different screen sizes or user interactions.
  • Tweaking Form States: If you have a form with multiple input fields, the general sibling combinator can be used to style different form elements based on their states. For example, you can highlight invalid input fields by selecting them and their sibling elements.

These use cases demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of CSS sibling combinators in frontend web development. Whether you need to adjust spacing, align content, create interactive toggles, or style form elements, the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator offer powerful solutions. By mastering their usage, you can take your CSS skills to the next level and create engaging and interactive web experiences.


In conclusion, mastering the art of targeting siblings in CSS can significantly enhance your web development skills. CSS sibling combinators, including the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator, provide powerful tools for selecting and styling sibling elements in HTML.

By understanding the differences between these combinators and their various use cases, you can create more dynamic and visually appealing websites. The adjacent sibling combinator is useful for improving spacing, hacking content alignment, toggling display, and emulating click-based toggling.

On the other hand, the general sibling combinator allows you to apply styles to multiple elements that follow a specific HTML element, making it ideal for creating responsive navigation, tweaking form states, and optimizing spacing and content alignment.

Overall, targeting siblings in CSS opens up new possibilities for creative website design. With the knowledge gained from this guide, you can confidently employ CSS sibling combinators to solve complex layout problems and achieve the desired visual effects in your frontend web development projects.


What are CSS sibling combinators?

CSS sibling combinators are a set of operators that select elements based on their position relative to each other in the source order.

How do I use the adjacent sibling combinator in CSS?

The adjacent sibling combinator, denoted by a plus sign (+), is used to select the element immediately following a specified HTML element.

How do I use the general sibling combinator in CSS?

The general sibling combinator, denoted by a tilde sign (~), is used to select any sibling element that meets the specified criteria.

What are the differences between the adjacent sibling combinator and the general sibling combinator?

The adjacent sibling combinator selects the immediate neighboring element that matches specific criteria, while the general sibling combinator selects every sibling that meets the given criterion.

What are some use cases for CSS sibling combinators?

CSS sibling combinators can be used to improve spacing, hack content alignment, toggle display, emulate click-based toggling, create responsive navigation, and tweak form states.

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