how to use background blend mode in css

Master How to Use Background Blend Mode in CSS Today!

The background-blend-mode property in CSS allows you to enhance your web designs by specifying the blending mode of each background layer. Whether it’s a color or an image, you can create visually appealing effects by combining different elements. With various blending modes such as multiply, screen, overlay, and more, the possibilities are endless.

Understanding how to utilize the background-blend-mode property is essential for web developers and designers looking to add depth and creativity to their projects. In this article, we will explore the syntax, techniques, and applications of this powerful CSS feature.

Key Takeaways:

  • The background-blend-mode property in CSS allows for the blending of background layers, whether they are colors or images.
  • Different blending modes, such as multiply, screen, overlay, and more, provide various visual effects and enhancements to web designs.
  • Blending modes can be applied to both background images and colors, allowing for creative combinations and captivating compositions.
  • You can stack multiple backgrounds on a single element and apply different blending modes to each, opening up even more possibilities for design.
  • The mix-blend-mode property extends the blending capabilities to HTML elements themselves, enabling overlapping effects and unique compositions.

Understanding the background-blend-mode Property

The background-blend-mode property in CSS allows you to specify the blending mode of each background layer, whether it’s a color or an image. It offers various blending modes, such as multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, and more. This property is supported in CSS3 and is not animatable. Different browsers have different levels of support for this property.

When using the background-blend-mode property, the syntax is background-blend-mode: value;. The value can be one of the blending modes such as normal, multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, saturation, color, or luminosity. It’s important to note that this property is not inherited and is not animatable.

Understanding the syntax and available blending modes of the background-blend-mode property is essential for creating visually appealing effects in CSS. By leveraging different blending modes, designers can achieve unique compositions and add depth to their backgrounds. Let’s explore some of the most common blending modes and how they can be applied to create stunning visuals.

Blending Background Images and Colors

With the background-blend-mode property in CSS, you have the ability to blend background images together or blend them with a background color. This powerful feature allows you to create visually appealing effects by combining different background elements.

Let’s say you want to create a vibrant and dynamic background by blending multiple images and a background color. You can achieve this by setting the background-image property to multiple URLs and the background-color property to a specific color. Then, using the background-blend-mode property, you can define the blending mode.

Background Image Background Color Blending Mode
background image multiply
background image screen

In the example table above, we have two images that we are blending with different background colors using the multiply and screen blending modes. The results are visually striking and can add depth and complexity to your website’s design.

By experimenting with different background images, colors, and blending modes, you can create unique and captivating backgrounds that will enhance the overall aesthetic of your webpages.

Applying Blending Modes to Multiple Backgrounds

With CSS, it’s possible to stack multiple backgrounds on a single element and apply blending modes to each of them. By using the background property and specifying multiple URLs, you can create a layered effect. Then, by adding the background-blend-mode property and specifying the blending mode for each background layer, you can control the way they blend together. This technique allows for even more creative possibilities in designing backgrounds.

When applying blending modes to multiple backgrounds, it’s important to consider the stacking order. The backgrounds are layered from the first specified to the last specified, with the first background being the bottom-most layer. Blending modes can be applied to individual backgrounds or to the entire stack. By defining different blending modes for each background layer, you can achieve unique visual effects.

To illustrate the concept, consider the following example:

Background Layer Blending Mode
Background Image 1 Normal
Background Image 2 Multiply
Background Color Overlay

In this example, we have three background layers: two images and one color. The first image is set to blend normally, the second image is set to blend with a multiply mode, and the color is set to blend with an overlay mode. The blending modes determine how the colors and pixels of each layer interact and combine, resulting in a unique visual composition.

By experimenting with different blending modes and adjusting the opacity of each layer, you can create stunning backgrounds that enhance the overall design of your website.

Blending HTML Elements with mix-blend-mode

In addition to blending background elements, the mix-blend-mode property in CSS can also be used to blend arbitrary HTML elements together. This powerful feature allows you to achieve overlapping effects and create visually striking compositions.

By applying the mix-blend-mode property to individual elements or specific parts of elements, you can control how they blend with their surrounding content. For example, by setting the mix-blend-mode value to “multiply” or “screen”, you can create interesting effects such as text over a background or even text overlapping text.

Here’s an example of how the mix-blend-mode property can be used to create a visually appealing composition:

HTML Element Blend Mode
<div class=”background”> normal
<h1 class=”text”> multiply

In the example above, we have a div element with a background image, and an h1 element with a text overlay. By applying the mix-blend-mode property to the h1 element and setting it to “multiply”, the text blends with the background image, creating a visually appealing effect.

The mix-blend-mode property offers a wide range of blend modes to choose from, allowing you to experiment and create unique designs. Keep in mind that browser support for mix-blend-mode may vary, so it’s important to test your designs across different browsers to ensure a consistent experience.

Exploring Blend Modes in Canvas and SVG

Blend modes are not limited to CSS. They can also be used in other web technologies like Canvas and SVG. In Canvas, you can set the globalCompositeOperation property of the drawing context to a specific blend mode. This allows for complex compositions and effects in graphics. SVG also has its own mechanism for blend modes, which can be defined within the SVG markup itself. This provides even more flexibility and control over blending in vector graphics.

Using blend modes in Canvas can create stunning visual effects and enhance the overall design of your web page. By utilizing different blend modes, such as multiply, screen, overlay, and more, you can achieve unique compositions and enhance the depth of your graphics. Whether you’re creating interactive infographics, data visualizations, or animations, blend modes in Canvas offer endless possibilities for creative expression.

“Blend modes in Canvas allow you to experiment with different visual effects and create compositions that stand out. By combining different blend modes with shapes, gradients, and images, you can achieve striking designs that capture attention and engage your audience.”

In SVG, blend modes can be applied to elements or groups of elements to control the way they blend with the underlying elements. This can be especially useful when creating complex illustrations or iconography. By leveraging blend modes in SVG, you can achieve seamless integration of graphics and create visually captivating experiences for your users.

Table: Comparison of Blend Modes in CSS, Canvas, and SVG

Blend Mode CSS Canvas SVG

Browser Support and Progressive Enhancement

When implementing CSS blending features, it’s essential to consider browser support to ensure a consistent user experience across different platforms. While the background-blend-mode property is supported in CSS3, its level of support may vary among browsers. Some browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, have comprehensive support for this property, while others, like Internet Explorer, have limited or no support.

To determine browser compatibility, it is advisable to refer to online resources such as Can I Use ( or MDN Web Docs ( These sources provide detailed information on the level of support for CSS blending in various browsers and versions. By understanding the level of support, you can make informed decisions about whether to use the background-blend-mode property or explore alternative solutions for unsupported browsers.

However, not being supported by all browsers does not mean you have to sacrifice the blending effects entirely. Progressive enhancement techniques can be applied to ensure a graceful degradation of the design. By using feature detection methods, modern browsers that support CSS blending can display the intended effects, while fallback styles or alternative designs can be provided for unsupported browsers.

When implementing progressive enhancement for CSS blending, it’s crucial to maintain a visually appealing and readable design. Consider using subtle color combinations or alternate background elements to provide a similar visual experience for users on unsupported browsers. Additionally, providing clear and concise fallback instructions or messages can help users understand any visual differences they may encounter.

Browsers Support Level
Chrome Full support
Firefox Full support
Safari Full support
Internet Explorer Partial support

As browser support continues to evolve, regularly monitoring and updating your site’s compatibility is crucial. By keeping up with the latest advancements in CSS blending and utilizing progressive enhancement techniques, you can deliver an engaging visual experience to a wide range of users.


Overall, the background blend mode in CSS offers an exciting opportunity for web designers to create visually stunning effects. By understanding the different blending modes and applying them to background layers, HTML elements, and even graphics in Canvas and SVG, you can elevate the aesthetics of your designs. However, it is important to note that browser support for this feature may vary.

To ensure a seamless user experience, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the background blend mode property and related features in your target browsers. In cases where browsers do not fully support this property, implementing fallback solutions or alternative effects can help maintain readability and usability. Employing progressive enhancement techniques can ensure that your design remains functional and appealing to all users.

In conclusion, the background blend mode in CSS is a powerful tool that allows for creativity and visual impact in web design. Experiment with different blending modes, consider their effects on background layers and HTML elements, and explore their potential in Canvas and SVG graphics. Unlock the full potential of CSS background blending to captivate your audience and create captivating web experiences.


What is the background-blend-mode property in CSS?

The background-blend-mode property in CSS allows you to specify the blending mode of each background layer, whether it’s a color or an image.

What blending modes are available with the background-blend-mode property?

The background-blend-mode property offers various blending modes, such as multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, and more.

Is the background-blend-mode property animatable?

No, the background-blend-mode property is not animatable.

How can I blend background images and colors together?

You can use the background-blend-mode property to blend background images together or blend them with a background color.

Can I apply blending modes to multiple background layers?

Yes, by stacking multiple backgrounds on a single element and using the background-blend-mode property, you can apply blending modes to each of them.

Can I blend HTML elements together?

Yes, by using the mix-blend-mode property, you can blend arbitrary HTML elements together to achieve overlapping effects.

Can I use blend modes in other web technologies?

Yes, blend modes can also be used in other web technologies like Canvas and SVG.

What is the browser support for CSS blending?

The support for CSS blending varies across different browsers. It’s important to check the compatibility of the background-blend-mode property and related features in target browsers.

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