how to use css in markdown

Guide: How to Use CSS in Markdown for Beginners

Are you a beginner looking to enhance the visual appeal of your Markdown content? Look no further! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of using CSS in Markdown to create stunning designs that will captivate your readers.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language commonly used for creating web content. Although Markdown itself doesn’t support CSS styles, there are clever ways to incorporate CSS into your Markdown files. By leveraging inline CSS styles, HTML style tags, or linking external CSS files, you can customize the appearance of your Markdown content to suit your needs.

Using Inline CSS Styles in Markdown

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add CSS styles to your Markdown content, inline CSS styles are your best bet. By adding style attributes to HTML tags within your Markdown file, you can customize specific elements with ease. However, keep in mind that this method may make your Markdown files harder to read and maintain.

Adding CSS Styles with HTML Style Tags in Markdown

If you’re seeking more flexibility in styling your Markdown content, consider using HTML style tags. This method involves defining CSS styles within the style tag and then applying them to specific HTML elements within your Markdown. While this approach provides more control over styling, it also adds complexity and may make your Markdown files more challenging to read.

Linking External CSS Files in Markdown

If you prefer to keep your CSS styles separate from your Markdown content, linking external CSS files is the way to go. By creating a separate CSS file with your desired styles and linking it to your Markdown file using the HTML link element, you can easily manage and reuse CSS styles across multiple Markdown files. This approach allows for consistent styling without cluttering your files with inline styles.

Using Inline CSS Styles in Markdown

One way to apply CSS styles to your Markdown content is by using inline CSS styles. This involves adding style attributes to HTML tags within your Markdown file. For example, you can use the style attribute to set the color, font-size, or any other CSS property for specific elements. This method allows for customization on a per-element basis, but it can make your Markdown files harder to read and maintain.

Inline CSS styles can be useful when you only need to apply a specific style to a small portion of your content. For instance, if you want to highlight a particular sentence or paragraph, you can use inline styles to make it stand out. However, if you have a lot of elements that require styling, using inline CSS can quickly become cumbersome and cluttered.

When using inline CSS styles, it’s important to remember that Markdown is primarily intended for writing content, not styling it. While it’s possible to add styles using this method, it’s generally recommended to keep the styling aspects separate, especially if you have complex styling requirements. This can help improve the readability and maintainability of your Markdown files in the long run.


This is an example of using inline CSS styles in Markdown.

This text is styled with a red color.

This text is styled with a larger font size.

Adding CSS Styles with HTML Style Tags in Markdown

Another method for customizing the visual appearance of your Markdown content is by using HTML style tags. These tags allow you to define CSS styles directly within your Markdown file, giving you more flexibility in styling options. However, this method does require mixing HTML with your Markdown content, which can make it more complex and harder to read.

To use HTML style tags, you need to enclose your CSS styles within the <style> tag and place it within the <head> section of your Markdown file. Within the style tags, you can define the CSS properties you want to apply to specific HTML elements in your content. For example:


p {

color: blue;

font-size: 16px;



In this example, the CSS styles are applied to all <p> tags in the Markdown file, setting the text color to blue and the font size to 16 pixels. You can customize these styles to fit your desired look and feel.

Benefits of using HTML style tags in Markdown

Using HTML style tags in Markdown offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: You can target multiple HTML elements and apply different styles to each, allowing for greater customization.
  • Reusability: Once you define the CSS styles within the style tags, you can reuse them across multiple Markdown files without duplicating the code.
  • Separation of concerns: By keeping the CSS styles separate from your Markdown content, you can maintain a cleaner and more organized file structure.

However, it’s important to note that using HTML style tags can make your Markdown files more complex and harder to read, especially if you have a large number of CSS styles applied to different elements.

Linking External CSS Files in Markdown

One of the methods for incorporating CSS styles into your Markdown files is by linking external CSS files. This approach allows you to keep your CSS styles separate from your Markdown content, making it easier to manage and reuse styles across multiple files.

To link an external CSS file to your Markdown file, you need to create a separate CSS file that contains your desired styles. You can use any text editor to create this file, and it should be saved with a .css extension. Within the CSS file, you can define various styles for different HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and more.

Once your CSS file is ready, you can link it to your Markdown file using the HTML link element. In the head section of your Markdown file, insert the following code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/your/css/file.css">

Make sure to replace “path/to/your/css/file.css” with the actual path to your CSS file. This can be a local path on your computer or a URL if the CSS file is hosted online. By linking the CSS file, your Markdown content will inherit the defined styles, allowing for consistent and visually appealing presentation.

External CSS files in Markdown provide a clean and organized way to style your content without cluttering your Markdown files with inline styles. It also allows for easy customization and maintenance of styles across your Markdown files, making it a preferred approach for many users.

Now let’s take a look at an example table to showcase the use of external CSS files in Markdown:

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In conclusion, incorporating CSS styles into your Markdown files can greatly enhance the visual appearance and customization options of your content. While Markdown itself does not support CSS styles, there are several methods available to achieve this.

By using inline CSS styles, you can apply custom styles directly to specific elements within your Markdown content. This method provides granular control but can make your files harder to read and maintain.

Alternatively, you can utilize HTML style tags to define CSS styles and apply them to specific HTML elements within your Markdown. This allows for more flexibility in styling, but it involves mixing HTML with your Markdown content, making it more complex.

Another option is to link external CSS files to your Markdown, which allows for easy management and reusability of styles across multiple files. By leveraging this approach, you can consistently apply styling to all your Markdown content without cluttering your files with inline styles.

Regardless of the method you choose, using CSS in Markdown allows you to customize and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your content. With the ability to apply styles on a per-element basis or globally, you can create visually engaging and well-designed documents.


How can I apply CSS styles to my Markdown content?

There are several methods for incorporating CSS into your Markdown files. You can use inline CSS styles, HTML style tags, or link external CSS files to customize the visual appearance of your Markdown content.

What is the advantage of using inline CSS styles in Markdown?

Inline CSS styles allow for customization on a per-element basis, allowing you to set specific CSS properties for individual elements. However, it can make your Markdown files harder to read and maintain.

How can I add CSS styles with HTML style tags in Markdown?

By using HTML style tags, you can define CSS styles and apply them to specific HTML elements within your Markdown content. This method provides more flexibility in styling but requires mixing HTML with your Markdown, which can make it more complex.

Can I link external CSS files to my Markdown files?

Yes, you can create a separate CSS file with your desired styles and link it to your Markdown file using the HTML link element. This allows for easy management and reusability of CSS styles across multiple Markdown files.

How can CSS enhance the aesthetic appeal of my Markdown content?

By leveraging CSS in Markdown, you can customize the visual appearance of your content, such as setting colors, font sizes, and other CSS properties. This can create more visually engaging documents and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your Markdown content.

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