how to use css selector in selenium

Mastering the Art: How to Use CSS Selector in Selenium

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using CSS Selector in Selenium for web automation testing. In this article, we will explore the significance of CSS Selector and its application in Selenium, a powerful tool for automating web interactions.

CSS Selector is one of the essential locators in Selenium that allows you to identify and interact with web elements on a page. By utilizing CSS Selectors effectively, you can streamline your testing scripts, increase efficiency, and save time in the long run.

Throughout this article, we will delve into various locator types in Selenium, but we will primarily focus on CSS Selector and its functionalities. We will discuss its syntax, usage, and how it can be used to navigate the Document Object Model (DOM) and access elements for testing purposes.

Key Takeaways:

  • CSS Selector is a powerful locator in Selenium for web automation testing.
  • Mastering CSS Selector can enhance the efficiency of your testing scripts.
  • Understanding the syntax and usage of CSS Selector is crucial for effective web element identification.
  • Using CSS Selector effectively can save time and effort in the long run.
  • Practice and exploration are key to mastering Selenium locators and becoming proficient in web automation.

Locating Elements with ID, Name, and Class Name

In Selenium, locators are essential for identifying GUI elements on a web page. The ID locator targets elements using the unique ‘id’ attribute. It enables you to pinpoint specific elements based on their distinct identification. The Name locator, on the other hand, identifies elements using the ‘name’ attribute. It is useful when elements have a specific name assigned to them. Lastly, the Class Name locator finds elements based on their class name attribute, allowing you to locate multiple elements with the same class.

Using these locators effectively can streamline your web automation testing process. By leveraging the ID, Name, and Class Name locators, you can precisely locate and interact with the desired elements on a web page. This targeted approach enhances the accuracy and reliability of your test scripts.

Here’s a table summarizing the ID Locator, Name Locator, and Class Name Locator:

ID Locator

  • Targets elements using the unique ‘id’ attribute.
  • Finds elements based on their specific identification.
  • Allows for precise and efficient element selection.

Name Locator

  • Identifies elements by their ‘name’ attribute.
  • Useful for locating elements with specific names assigned to them.
  • Enables interaction with elements based on their assigned names.

Class Name Locator

  • Finds elements based on their class name attribute.
  • Allows for the selection of multiple elements with the same class.
  • Useful for locating groups of related elements.

By understanding and leveraging these locators, you can effectively navigate and interact with elements on a web page during your web automation testing.

Linktext Locator and Partial Linktext Locator for Navigation

In Selenium, the Linktext Locator and Partial Linktext Locator are valuable tools for navigating through links on a web page. These locators allow you to locate elements based on the visible text within hyperlinks, making it easier to interact with specific links and access desired content.

The Linktext Locator precisely matches the entire visible text within a hyperlink. It is particularly useful when the link text is unique and easy to identify. For example, if you have a link with the text “Learn More,” you can use the Linktext Locator to locate and interact with that specific link.

However, in cases where the link text is long or contains dynamic elements, the Partial Linktext Locator comes in handy. This locator allows you to specify only a part of the link text to locate the desired element. For instance, if you have multiple links with the text “Click here to read more,” you can use the Partial Linktext Locator to identify and interact with these links without specifying the entire text.

Using the Linktext Locator and Partial Linktext Locator allows testers to efficiently navigate through a web page’s links, enhancing the overall automation process.

Let’s take a look at a practical example to illustrate the usage of these locators:

Link Text Locator
Learn More driver.findElement(By.linkText("Learn More"));
Click here to read more driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("read more"));

By utilizing these locators effectively, testers can streamline their navigation process and interact with specific links based on their visible text.

Locating Elements with Tag Name and CSS Selector

In Selenium, there are different locators available to identify and interact with web elements. Two commonly used locators are Tag Name Locator and CSS Selector Locator. Understanding how to use these locators effectively can greatly enhance your ability to locate and manipulate web elements.

Tag Name Locator

The Tag Name Locator allows you to locate elements based on their HTML tag name. For example, if you want to interact with all the <input> elements on a page, you can use the Tag Name Locator with the value “input”. This locator is particularly useful when you want to perform actions or validations on a specific type of element across multiple pages.

Here is an example of how to use the Tag Name Locator:


By understanding the structure and HTML tags used in the web page you are testing, you can effectively utilize the Tag Name Locator to locate specific elements and perform actions on them.

CSS Selector Locator

The CSS Selector Locator provides a more flexible and powerful way to locate elements using tag names and other attributes. With CSS Selectors, you can target specific elements based on their attributes and values, making it easier to locate and interact with web elements.

Here is an example of how to use the CSS Selector Locator:


In this example, we are using the CSS Selector Locator to locate an <input> element with the attribute “name” set to “username”. This allows us to target a specific element with precision.

By mastering the usage of CSS Selector Locator, you can efficiently locate and interact with web elements, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of your web automation tests.

CSS Selector Locator

Locator Description
By.tagName(“tagname”) Locates elements based on their HTML tag name.
By.cssSelector(“cssSelector”) Locates elements based on CSS Selectors that target specific attributes and values.

Locating Elements with XPath

XPath is a widely used locator that helps in locating elements based on XML expressions. It provides a powerful and flexible way to navigate through the Document Object Model (DOM) structure of a web page. XPath can be used to locate elements based on their tag names, attributes, and text content, making it a versatile tool for web automation testing.

When using XPath, you can specify the path to an element by traversing its parent, sibling, or child nodes. This allows for more complex searches and navigation through the DOM structure, making it easier to locate specific elements even in dynamic web pages.

For example, to locate a specific button with the text “Submit” on a web page, you can use an XPath expression like “//button[contains(text(),’Submit’)]”, where “//” denotes a search starting from the root node and “contains(text(),’Submit’)” specifies the condition for the element’s text content.

XPath’s ability to handle dynamic elements and complex search queries makes it an invaluable tool for web automation. By mastering XPath, you can efficiently locate and interact with web elements, enhancing the effectiveness and reliability of your test scripts.

XPath Locator


  • XPath is a locator used to find elements based on XML expressions.
  • It allows for complex searches and navigation through the DOM structure.
  • XPath can locate elements based on tag names, attributes, and text content.
  • Its versatility makes it suitable for handling dynamic elements and complex search queries.

Table: XPath Locator Examples

Expression Description
//input[@name=’username’] Selects an <input> element with the attribute name=”username”.
//button[contains(text(),’Login’)] Selects a <button> element with the text “Login”.
//a[@href=’’] Selects an <a> element with the attribute href=””.
//h1[text()=’Welcome to the website’] Selects an <h1> element with the text “Welcome to the website”.


Selenium locators play a crucial role in web automation testing, providing the ability to interact with web elements for seamless automation. Throughout this article, we have explored various types of Selenium locators, including ID, Name, Class Name, Linktext, Partial Linktext, XPath, CSS Selector, and Tag Name locators.

By mastering the art of using CSS Selector in Selenium, you can greatly enhance your web automation skills. CSS Selectors offer a powerful way to navigate the Document Object Model (DOM) and access elements for testing purposes. Leveraging CSS Selectors effectively can significantly improve the efficiency of your testing scripts and save valuable time in the long run.

Remember that practice and exploration are key to becoming proficient in Selenium locators and web automation. By using the right locators and techniques, you can accurately identify and interact with elements on a web page, ensuring a smooth and reliable automation process. With your newfound knowledge and skills, you are well-equipped to embark on your web automation journey and reshape the digital landscape with your coding sorcery.

So, armed with Selenium locators and a passion for web automation, you are ready to revolutionize your testing processes and accelerate your development cycles. Start automating with confidence and efficiency, and unlock the true potential of web automation with Selenium.


What are locators in Selenium and why are they essential?

Locators in Selenium are used to identify GUI elements on a web page, enabling operations such as clicking and entering text. They are essential for web automation testing.

What are the different types of locators in Selenium?

The different types of locators in Selenium include ID, Name, Class Name, Linktext, Partial Linktext, XPath, CSS Selector, and Tag Name.

How do CSS Selectors enhance the efficiency of testing scripts?

CSS Selectors provide a powerful way to navigate the DOM and access elements, making testing scripts more efficient and saving time in the long run.

How does the ID locator work in Selenium?

The ID locator targets elements using their unique ‘id’ attribute.

What is the purpose of the Name locator?

The Name locator is used to identify elements based on their ‘name’ attribute.

How does the Class Name locator function?

The Class Name locator finds elements based on their class name attribute.

What is the purpose of the Linktext locator?

The Linktext locator is used to locate elements using the visible text in hyperlinks.

When should the Partial Linktext locator be used?

The Partial Linktext locator is used when the link text is too long, and only a part of it needs to be specified.

How does the Tag Name locator work in Selenium?

The Tag Name locator is used to locate elements based on their HTML tag name.

How can CSS Selectors be used to locate elements more effectively?

CSS Selectors provide a more flexible and powerful way to locate elements using tag names and other attributes.

What is XPath and how is it useful in Selenium?

XPath is a widely used locator that helps in locating elements based on XML expressions. It allows for complex searches and navigation through the DOM structure.

Why are Selenium locators crucial for web automation testing?

Selenium locators allow users to interact with web elements, making them essential for web automation testing.

How can mastering the art of using CSS Selector in Selenium enhance web automation skills?

Understanding and mastering the art of using CSS Selector in Selenium can greatly enhance web automation skills, making the testing process more efficient.

What tips can help in efficiently identifying and interacting with elements on a web page?

By using the right locators and techniques, practitioners can efficiently identify and interact with elements on a web page, enhancing web automation testing.

How can one become proficient in Selenium locators and web automation?

Practice and exploration are key to mastering Selenium locators and becoming proficient in web automation, enabling practitioners to reshape the digital landscape.

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