how to convert html to formatted plain text javascript

How To Convert HTML To Formatted Plain Text Using JavaScript

Converting HTML to formatted plain text using JavaScript can be a useful task in various web development scenarios. Whether you want to extract text from HTML content or remove HTML tags to create clean, readable text, JavaScript provides several methods to achieve this.

In this article, we will explore three methods to convert HTML to plain text using JavaScript. We will discuss how to:

  1. Use the `.replace()` function with a regular expression to remove HTML tags from the text. This method allows you to strip HTML tags effectively.
  2. Create a temporary DOM element and retrieve the text content from it, ensuring efficient conversion.
  3. Utilize the popular `html-to-text` npm package for parsing HTML and converting it to plain text.

Key Takeaways:

  • Converting HTML to plain text is essential for extracting meaningful content from web pages.
  • JavaScript provides various methods to convert HTML to plain text, including using regular expressions, DOM manipulation, and npm packages.
  • Using the `.replace()` function with a regular expression is a straightforward way to remove HTML tags from the text.
  • Creating a temporary DOM element and retrieving the text content allows for efficient conversion of HTML to plain text.
  • The `html-to-text` npm package offers advanced features and customization options for converting HTML to formatted plain text.

Method 1: Using .replace(/]*>/g, ”)

SEO relevant keywords: remove html tags javascript, plain text from html javascript, strip html tags javascript

Detailed Notes: This method involves using the JavaScript string method .replace() with a regular expression to remove HTML tags from the text. The regular expression /<[^>]*>/g matches any HTML tags and replaces them with an empty string. However, this method has a drawback of not being able to remove some HTML entities. Example code and output are provided.

remove html tags javascript

Method 2: Create a temporary DOM element and retrieve the text

Another efficient method to convert HTML to plain text using JavaScript is by creating a temporary DOM element and extracting the text content from it. This method utilizes DOM manipulation to effectively convert HTML to plain text.

To implement this method, you need to:

  1. Create a dummy DOM element using the createElement method.
  2. Assign the HTML content to the innerHTML property of the created element.
  3. Retrieve the text content from the element using the textContent property.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use this method:

    // Create a temporary DOM element
    var tempElement = document.createElement('div');

    // Assign HTML content to the element
    tempElement.innerHTML = htmlContent;

    // Retrieve the text content from the element
    var plainText = tempElement.textContent;

This method is particularly useful when you need to extract text from specific HTML elements or manipulate the content further. It ensures that the converted text is free from any HTML tags or entities.

Let’s take a look at an example:

    <div id="article">
      <p>This is a paragraph inside a div.</p>

Using the method described above, when applied to the HTML code above, the resulting plain text would be:

    This is a paragraph inside a div.

By leveraging DOM manipulation, you can easily convert HTML to plain text in JavaScript, allowing for further processing and analysis of the text data.

convert html to text using dom javascript

Method Pros Cons
Method 1: Using .replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ”) – Simple and straightforward – Does not remove all HTML entities
Method 2: Create a temporary DOM element and retrieve the text – Removes all HTML tags – Requires DOM manipulation
Method 3: html-to-text npm package – Provides customizable options for conversion – Requires package installation

Method 3: html-to-text npm package

When it comes to converting HTML to formatted plain text in JavaScript, the html-to-text npm package is a powerful tool to consider. This package provides a convenient solution that simplifies the conversion process, offering various options to customize the output according to your requirements.

With the html-to-text package, you have control over the conversion parameters, such as word wrapping, handling of HTML tags, whitespace characters, and even the ability to add custom formatters to modify the output further.

Installing the html-to-text npm package is straightforward. Simply run the command npm install html-to-text in your JavaScript project directory. Once installed, you can start utilizing the package’s capabilities to convert HTML to formatted plain text.

To demonstrate its usage, consider the following example:

// Importing the html-to-text module
const HtmlToText = require('html-to-text');

// HTML content to convert
const htmlContent = '<p>This is some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text.</p>';

// Converting HTML to plain text
const plainText = HtmlToText.fromString(htmlContent);

// Outputting the result

In this example, we import the html-to-text module and specify the HTML content we want to convert. By utilizing the fromString() method, we convert the HTML to plain text. Finally, the converted plain text is outputted to the console.

The html-to-text npm package offers a dependable and efficient solution for converting HTML to plain text in JavaScript projects. Its simplicity, customizability, and widespread usage make it a valuable tool for developers seeking a reliable way to parse HTML to plaintext.


How can I convert HTML to formatted plain text using JavaScript?

There are several methods to convert HTML to formatted plain text using JavaScript. The first method is to use the `replace()` function with a regular expression to remove HTML tags from the text. Another method is to create a temporary DOM element and retrieve the text content from it. Lastly, you can use the `html-to-text` npm package to parse HTML and convert it to plain text.

How does the first method work to convert HTML to plain text using JavaScript?

The first method involves using the JavaScript string method `replace()` with a regular expression to remove HTML tags from the text. The regular expression `/]*>/g` matches any HTML tags and replaces them with an empty string. However, this method has a drawback of not being able to remove some HTML entities.

How does the second method work to convert HTML to plain text using JavaScript?

The second method is more efficient and involves creating a dummy DOM element, assigning the HTML content to its `innerHTML`, and then retrieving the text content from the element. This method effectively converts HTML to plain text by using DOM manipulation.

How does the `html-to-text` npm package help in converting HTML to plain text using JavaScript?

The `html-to-text` npm package provides a convenient way to convert HTML to formatted plain text. It offers various options to customize the conversion, such as wordwrap, handling tags, whitespace characters, and formatters. The package is widely used and can be beneficial for converting HTML to plain text in JavaScript projects.


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